these guys are on superbowl teams and probably have inside promises.
and YES, the finz have a multitude of issues like no superbowls in 213 years, 1 fluky playoff appearance in 11 seasons. dawn aponte and the 3 headed power monster , etc... .
briane gaine IS and ALWAYS HAS been the choice at GM. we have had some quality guys interview and some have NOT turned down the dolphins. yet.
but, i do feel that ROSS is not well respected in the nfl community. that harbaugh thing [even though YOU may be over it] made a lot of people sick including COWHER who said he would NEVER work for an owner who would go coach shopping while he still had one in place.
if we ARE doomed its because of ross as owner. i mean the guy FINALY does what everyone on the nfl shows and nfl insiders and team officials said the should do, get rid of ireland!! he does that and then turns around and comes up with the goofiest front office/power structure anyone has ever seen. the guy cant get out of his own way! and even though dawn aponte is seen by some at being good at what she does, i dont believe she is like in MOST nfl circles. so, her heading up this wacky 3HM, another blight lands on ross.
AND THE REASON an owner like ross will continue to do what he does [or doesnt] is because he knows that after all the bashing, the fans will sucker up. they wont do a thing, wont boycot the games, will re up their nfl ticket, etc...... . and he will put in his flunky and most everyone will start in with the "i think this makes sense, he has already been here and the net reported he is an awsome talent guy" and other head ducking drivel.
all i want is a guy who TRULY IS a respected and PROVEN talent evaluator, not a puffed up prop like gaine who's only REAL credential is the ability to play nice with aponte.
i dont know if i would throw around DOOMED quite yet, but, i am sure IRELAND is using the media to poison the wells either directly or indirectly through some low level schmuks trying to get their cred by dropping stories and names for ANYONE who can supply one for them to run and hand to the omar armondos of the world. AND, you can bet their are entities involved who wish the dolphins ill will over the martin thing because cognito isnt doing life in prison, his klan robe burned in the streets and ross being forced to cell his racist team. could be even more of that angle than than anything else. hard to say.
winning cures all this. and IF we can get lucky and hire a REAL talent guy, even by accident, we will start to see the dark clouds FINALLY lifted!!