Screw Ronnie Brown...Give Him No Guaranteed Money | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Screw Ronnie Brown...Give Him No Guaranteed Money


Dec 17, 2002
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Las Vegas
With his ridiculous demands piling up, its clear Ronnie Brown is fearful of sitting on the bench as Ricky Williams gets the bulk of the carries. Furthermore, the only time we'll really need him this season is during the first 4 games while Ricky serves his suspension. The longer this holdout lasts...the more useless he'll be during this initial month. I say we lower our guarantee to only $5 million and put a deadline of next weekend on it. Take it or leave it Ronnie....your pitiful attitude is not needed on this team and you should consider it a privilige to share a backfield with one of the best players this game has ever seen.
I feel a familiar tone betweens these type of threads and the threads that tore into Ricky last year. I bet, just like with those, they will all but go away when he signs.
I hope everybody down on Ronnie decides they're not a fan of the team any longer when the team compromises with him and he signs.
dean_siu said:
With his ridiculous demands piling up, its clear Ronnie Brown is fearful of sitting on the bench as Ricky Williams gets the bulk of the carries. Furthermore, the only time we'll really need him this season is during the first 4 games while Ricky serves his suspension. The longer this holdout lasts...the more useless he'll be during this initial month. I say we lower our guarantee to only $5 million and put a deadline of next weekend on it. Take it or leave it Ronnie....your pitiful attitude is not needed on this team and you should consider it a privilige to share a backfield with one of the best players this game has ever seen.

Everyone on this board is now dumber for having read this. I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul. :D
I know its been a long time since Miami picked in the top 3, but come on people, we all know this is how the nfl get drafted, want the big money, team wants to make a deal a few mill short, you hold out, media gets crazy, etc....

When all is said and done, you guys will be cheering Ronnie on every sunday
he is going to screw up our cap and we dont know if he will be even good in this league.
what we should do is have an official signup thread were people say "Screw you ronnie Brown, I dont even want you on my team" just so that we have a complete record of all the flipfloppers on this board. We should have done that with "I Hate Ricky" too. Then we will get started on an "AJ Feeley Sucks"
Take it or leave it Ronnie....your pitiful attitude is not needed on this team and you should consider it a privilige to share a backfield with one of the best players this game has ever seen.

Are u joking me?! Hahahaha! Are you implying that Ricky is one of the best players ever? You must be insane! Not only are you a dam* fool for saying that but your also a fool for writing off Ronnie Brown. He was the second overall pick in the draft and he is going to get a monster contract, whether you like it or not. You probably are against Terrell Owens, Javon Walker and Hines Ward in their contract negotiations. The NFL contract system is flawed! It is not the perfect league many of the sports writers and fans believe it is. The teams have all the power and the players can be cut from their 'huge contracts' at any time. The NBA's system is far more fair. All the money is guarenteed, so the player gets all of what he agreed to sign to and if he turns out to be terrible the team has to live with the consequences. But NO! the NFL doesnt have to accept the consequences, they simply cut the player. Ronnie Brown is just trying to get a fair acceptable deal with the Dolphins and hes going to be here for a long time so it really doesnt matter if he misses camp and some preseason games. Its not like we have a chance this year anyway. Ronnie Brown will be a franchise running back for years to come and you will regret your comments.
Jimmy James said:
I hope everybody down on Ronnie decides they're not a fan of the team any longer when the team compromises with him and he signs.

why, that would not make any logical sense
Lordlegal while i agree with most of what you said Ricky Williams is one of the best RBs the NFL has ever seen. As far as pure talent anywayz. Im not sure well see a combination of speed,power,size,moves,etc for many MANY years.
dean_siu said:
With his ridiculous demands piling up, its clear Ronnie Brown is fearful of sitting on the bench as Ricky Williams gets the bulk of the carries. Furthermore, the only time we'll really need him this season is during the first 4 games while Ricky serves his suspension. The longer this holdout lasts...the more useless he'll be during this initial month. I say we lower our guarantee to only $5 million and put a deadline of next weekend on it. Take it or leave it Ronnie....your pitiful attitude is not needed on this team and you should consider it a privilige to share a backfield with one of the best players this game has ever seen.

Wait, last I heard, the hold up was guaranteed money. What ridiculous demands are you referring to ??

This is a ridiculous thread...sorry I even bothered...
lordlegel said:
Ronnie Brown is just trying to get a fair acceptable deal with the Dolphins and hes going to be here for a long time so it really doesnt matter if he misses camp and some preseason games. Its not like we have a chance this year anyway. Ronnie Brown will be a franchise running back for years to come and you will regret your comments.

He's not trying to get a fair deal at all....he's trying to get rewarded upfront because he's fearful of not producing. A RB who's extremely confident in his talent level wouldn't be afraid to take an incentive laden deal (like Ricky did when he entered the league). If he's truly going to be a franchise back, he'd make more this way in the long run.....but the longer he tries to screw this team, the more I say screw him! No one deserves $21 million dollars up front when they've accomplished nothing in this league to this point. The Dolphins organization have extreme leverage now with Ricky coming back and its time to take advantage of the situation.
I think there are some people that think that just because Ronnie Brown is a Miami Dolphin they expect him to sign right away no matter what he gets. He's waiting to see what Edwards gets so they can agree on a happy medium between the contracts of Smith and Edwards. I'm sure Brown in anxious to get on the field too but you know the lengthy process involved with the damn agents and executives getting the wording right and all that jazz. Just be more patient. He'll sign soon enough. And I don't think the contract stallings have anything to do with Brown being upset that Ricky is back. He knows he's the future of the this team and with Ricky being such a loose canon I'll be thankful we'll have Ronnie Brown even if he takes a long time to sign.
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