Scrimmages? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums



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May 20, 2002
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When do the Dolphins start scrimmages with other teams?
SkapePhin said:
When do the Dolphins start scrimmages with other teams?
I could be wrong here but I don't think they are scrimmaging anyone this season. Just preseason games. I'm sure I read that somewhere.
AtlantaPhin said:
I could be wrong here but I don't think they are scrimmaging anyone this season. Just preseason games. I'm sure I read that somewhere.

Really? Damn.. Well, I guess it could be for the best.. Didnt Boston blow his knee out during the Texans scrimmage?
No planned practices with other teams... Dolphins get some extra practices over and above the league maximum.
SkapePhin said:
Really? Damn.. Well, I guess it could be for the best.. Didnt Boston blow his knee out during the Texans scrimmage?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he did in the Texans scrimmage. Also very glad to hear that there won't be any scrimmages.
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