FinHeaven Elite
Q. Which NBA star is most loathed by NBA officiating crews? This A.I. story comes to mind. Is he the one?
I don’t know if he’s the one because there were both positive and negative relationships associated with A.I. There was one referee that actually kissed him at a captain’s meeting before each game. I would say, unfortunately, I know he’s on your team right now, but Rasheed Wallace was someone I don’t believe anyone cared for. Looking back, it’s probably because he’s one of the smartest players in the league. He was outspoken about how there were biases and how relationships affected the refereeing.
So they got mad at him because he was telling the truth about their biases?
I mean, you do have to wonder if Sheed got on the refs' bad side to begin with because of, well, being Sheed. But it's funny that his relationship with them entered a second stage, where he went from being hated for acting adolescent to, as Donaghy says, being smart enough to pick up on ref bias. Not that we should believe everything Donaghy says, or that Wallace wasn't somewhat to blame for the initial friction. But it's funny how time changes things. Yesterday's malcontent is today's freedom fighter.