shop a te? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

shop a te?


Feb 19, 2008
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It's been brought to the public's attention that the eagles are looking for a serviceable TE, we happen to have a glut..... Anybody see this going anywhere? (probably a better option if we still had Wilford)
Obviously Fasano's not going anywhere. Nalbone is a 5th rounder rookie (and I think it's too late to trade rooks, no?). Haynos is really the only one, and I don't think he has any real trade value...maybe a 6th or 7th if a team is desperate. But he's more valuable to us than that because he's the only other TE with *some* experience in Martin's position in those 2 TE sets we like to run.

Our TE corps is a lot weaker than it was with Martin in the lineup. It seems like we have a bunch of them, but it's only because we need one of them to emerge as a dependable second TE...all except for Fasano are unknowns.
You maybe right that our TE corp is weaker, but I think Haynos with his size and Nalbone might be good surprises this season..This is why the coaches decided to keep 4 TE even before they knew that Martin was injured...
the only TE with any kind of value is Fasano and it would be flat-out dumb to trade him now.

the idea of trading is to deal from a position of strength. we have 4 TEs, but it's not a deep position per se. we are strong at DE, OLB and RB. if anything we're going to trade one of them.
It's been brought to the public's attention that the eagles are looking for a serviceable TE, we happen to have a glut..... Anybody see this going anywhere? (probably a better option if we still had Wilford)

I can't see where ANYTHING would be better if we still had "old lead shoes".
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