Appears he's at it again!,0,3101183.story?track=rss,0,3101183.story?track=rss
I'm sure the players and especially the coaching staff are selling the possibility of a winning/playoff season. I'm sure in that mindset, it's tough to swallow the news of a pro-bowl player being traded for future picks; no veteran wants to rebuild for the outyears when they are likely going to be retired or cut. Vonnie needs to wade through the "rah rah" internal hype and understand that the fins are rebuilding. If they could get something for Vonnie...he'd be for sale too! It's also tough to be a grey-beard and see all your grey-beard contemporaries being shipped away (Thomas, Taylor, Trent Green, etc). But, he should be wise enough to see the writing on the wall and get inline or keep his comments behind closed doors.
I wonder if the fins are now among the youngest in the NFL?
let me ask you you guys even want a player on the team who supports/understands the move?
Players want to WIN. not next year, not 2 years from now. NOW. Vonnie looks at a trade that was just made where the best player on the team is gone, and we get a draft 2009, and 1 in 2010. They made the team weaker for this season. What exactly should a competitor, who's main interest is winning football games, think about this.
I don't want the player on my team who is happy about this move.
This is move is great for the front office and for fans who can afford to look toward the future....but the job of the coaching staff and the players just got harder....why would they be happy?