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Simple Draft Plan


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May 18, 2004
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If Smith is available take him. If Smith is gone take Edwards.

Why? Because trades down can happen AFTER picks too, and I don't think one is going to happen beforehand. With as much smokescreening that's going on, I don't think teams really believe we'll take Edwards, so they aren't prepared to trade with us at this point.

If Smith goes to SF, we should take Edwards because he has the most teams wanting him, which means our chances of trading down are highest. If Rodgers or Edwards go to SF we should take Smith because he also has a few teams wanting him, so we can entertain some trade offers. He's also the value pick at #2 overall.

If the trade offers aren't good enough for either of these guys, then we still end up with a guy who can have a big impact on the team and is worth the #2 overall. We take Smith over Edwards if both are available (if SF takes Rodgers) because Smith is a bigger value at #2 and fills a bigger need on the team.
shouright said:
If Smith is available take him. If Smith is gone take Edwards.

Why? Because trades down can happen AFTER picks too, and I don't think one is going to happen beforehand. With as much smokescreening that's going on, I don't think teams really believe we'll take Edwards, so they aren't prepared to trade with us at this point.

If Smith goes to SF, we should take Edwards because he has the most teams wanting him, which means our chances of trading down are highest. If Rodgers or Edwards go to SF we should take Smith because he also has a few teams wanting him, so we can entertain some trade offers. He's also the value pick at #2 overall.

If the trade offers aren't good enough for either of these guys, then we still end up with a guy who can have a big impact on the team and is worth the #2 overall. We take Smith over Edwards if both are available (if SF takes Rodgers) because Smith is a bigger value at #2 and fills a bigger need on the team.
ABSOLUTELY - then all of these potential trading partners will believe that Saban was serious about taking the BPA at #2, not just the best running back. Gotta believe that TB, MINN, WASH and all the other teams interested in Smith and Edwards (or Rodgers for that matter) are thinking that Saban is bluffing about taking any position other than running back. IMO, it starts with whoever SF takes. After that, Saban takes the next BPA. If SF takes Smith, we take Edwards; vice versa holds true. If SF takes Rodgers, that's great. Then we field offers for Smith and/or Edwards, and if nothing we like comes along, we take the player that will bring us the most success. We are actually sitting in a pretty good spot.
Looks like John Clayton thinks this is what we'll do.
But, we will have no starting running back.

If we can't trade the pick beforehand, we should just take Ronnie Brown.
shouright said:
If Smith is available take him. If Smith is gone take Edwards.

Why? Because trades down can happen AFTER picks too, and I don't think one is going to happen beforehand. With as much smokescreening that's going on, I don't think teams really believe we'll take Edwards, so they aren't prepared to trade with us at this point.

If Smith goes to SF, we should take Edwards because he has the most teams wanting him, which means our chances of trading down are highest. If Rodgers or Edwards go to SF we should take Smith because he also has a few teams wanting him, so we can entertain some trade offers. He's also the value pick at #2 overall.

If the trade offers aren't good enough for either of these guys, then we still end up with a guy who can have a big impact on the team and is worth the #2 overall. We take Smith over Edwards if both are available (if SF takes Rodgers) because Smith is a bigger value at #2 and fills a bigger need on the team.

Thats the plan and I like it.:D.Win-Win.
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