so philbin was yelling at Landry? the only guy showing some heart? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

so philbin was yelling at Landry? the only guy showing some heart?


Finheaven VIP
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Apr 17, 2003
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The one player going all out on every single play. The one guy showing any will. The one player who hasn't given up. Joe really is clueless. I can't even stand seeing that emotionless face out there anymore. Of course Ross won't do anything so we're stuck with the worst HC in the NFL.

Ozzy rules
If true it's only the latest example of the coach's ineptitude
The guys sits there on the sidelines like a moron speechless looking clueless and over matched. On a day with his job possibly on the line shows no emotion whatsoever and he gets on Landry the only guy on the team with a set of balls who tried to will this team to a win. I was hoping Landry would tell him to blow it out his a$$
Is it possible Landry is the only player who hasn't tuned Philbin out?
It's true. I posted about it in the Hayden Fox thread. The only guy showing guts, and Philbin gets in his face over a meaningless unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. Clearly, Landry felt he was held on the Revis INT, and that effectively ended the game. Instead of Philbin defending his player and going after the ref, he goes after Landry. Philbin is an idiot. Actually, Philbin might be a troll. He does exactly the opposite of what makes sense on so many occasions.
Now I just saw a video on the sentinel with landry being totally dejected. He said he plays with heart all the way regardless of the score. Philbin and the rest of the team are letting landry down. Philbin and the other 52 shouldn't even loom landry in the eye right now. He's out there alone.

Ozzy rules
This team doesn't deserve Jarvis Landry.
Philbin is a moron who was given an NFL head coaching job by an even bigger moron.
Whats the source of this news?

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Landry has shown heart, but let's not act like he's been perfect this season. He's already put the ball on the ground a couple times and he had a couple crucial bad plays against Jax, one being that third down drop and the other fair catching a punt inside the ten during the fourth quarter, and then he had that drop to interception. Maybe Philbin yells at him because he gets a response when he does. The problem is that Philbin doesn't get a response from the other 52.

When you're a focal point, more is expected of you, and 31 other teams out there surely have some of their best players get an earful now and then for making a mistake that they are supposed to be above. You think Bellichek has never yelled at Brady? There are a lot of things to criticize Philbin over but this is a non-issue.
I saw that when it happened and laughed. Landry didn't even look at Philbin during his little speech. The only guy playing with balls is getting spoken to by a moron. GTFO!!
Did any one else see if in the 3rd qtr, after laundry made a nice play, a good punt return I think, when he ran to the sidelines, philbin had his hand out to give laundry 5 and laundry ran right past him? I'm not 100 percent sure but I swear I seen that
Philbin is a jackass...did he read what he yelled off of a notecard?
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