So here is where we stand now:
We're 2-3 in last place in our division. It's clear we are not going to win our division, so here's how things stand in terms of the wildcard:
Bal (pending)
are the teams competing for us in the wildcard. We need to beat four of them. Can we do it?
Or should we start thinking out 09? Maybe we should put the wildcat in the shelf for the year and break it out in 2009 when we are pushing for a playoff spot.
How long should Pennington be our starter? Is he going to be our starter in 2009? If not, when do we go to Henne?
And most importantly, how do we avoid a repeat of 2005-2006, where we had a good year and then proceeded to tank the following seasons, putting us right back to where we started.
We're 2-3 in last place in our division. It's clear we are not going to win our division, so here's how things stand in terms of the wildcard:
Bal (pending)
are the teams competing for us in the wildcard. We need to beat four of them. Can we do it?
Or should we start thinking out 09? Maybe we should put the wildcat in the shelf for the year and break it out in 2009 when we are pushing for a playoff spot.
How long should Pennington be our starter? Is he going to be our starter in 2009? If not, when do we go to Henne?
And most importantly, how do we avoid a repeat of 2005-2006, where we had a good year and then proceeded to tank the following seasons, putting us right back to where we started.