Soliai & Patterson ruled out, Wallace and Pouncey Questionable | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Soliai & Patterson ruled out, Wallace and Pouncey Questionable

I was worried abt Patterson last week. No show this week either. Maybe dude's fragile.
Come on y'all. It's like some of you have never read an injury report before. If they're listed as questionable and practiced on Friday, you can bet your house they're playing.

The only two who are out for absolute sure Sunday are big Paul and Patterson.

Didn't Patterson come under that category last week, and even was kept active, but didn't play?
Patterson being out is big. I like that Wilson is getting experience but damn it hurts. If we still had Burnett he could cover the slot.
Man it sounds like the bye week coming so early isn't a bad thing after all!
the fact they havent promoted a wr up from the p squad says to me not an issue....not worried about it if he partici pated at all 2day

This is definitely the thing to look for, IMO. With Wallace out, the team is down to just 3 wrs. I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't call someone up if they felt he was unlikely to play.
If you really want to leave your opponent in the dark wouldn't you wait until the last possible minute to call them up anyway? They are on the practice squad afterall so they could be taking significant snaps with the starters for all we know.
hahaha ORRRRRRRR you could call them up now, making the other team REALLY believe Wallace isn't playing, and then BAM! Just have that player inactive for game day.

Mind games messing with our own heads at this point.
hahaha ORRRRRRRR you could call them up now, making the other team REALLY believe Wallace isn't playing, and then BAM! Just have that player inactive for game day.

Mind games messing with our own heads at this point.

But in that case we would have to cut somebody...
If either one of Pouncey or Wallace do not play, the Phins do not win.

Especially Wallace. The OL is playing like crap anyway, in pass pro.

Wallace is the only true playmaker at skill positions other than QB. He opens up the offense incredibly. Without Wallace, it's the same crappy song and dance constricted field that we faced every game in the second half of the season last year...

'Course, people prolly think I'm a broken record on this -- that true talent is a NEED at WR -- you need a 1 and 1A that can step in and take his place in a moment. AND to create mismatches every time single coverage is forced. We broke the bank to get one playmaker... and now he's questionable?

Too bad all the drafts in the last five years couldn't net at least one playmaker at TE or WR.


Not too many teams in the league have multiple 'playmakers' at WR as you've described them. Hartline had over 1,000 yards last year, don't slight him. Clay has acquitted himself very well the first couple of weeks. Most teams, were they to lose their top receiving option, would be in some trouble.
I kinda want Misi to be out and Dion take his role for a game :)

I'm giving you a thumbs up bc you don't deserve the 8 thumbs down you got..

...if Misi was used ALOT in covering the tight end and rushing the passer, and if that's essentially the role he'd play Sunday v ATL, than i'd be down with that too
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