someone post up teh video of what randy moss did today | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

someone post up teh video of what randy moss did today


Practice Squad
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
i missed it i wanna see what everyone is talking about
Come back tomorrow. They might have a torrent of it.
I am sure it will be every where tomorrow.
LoL.. all he did was "pretend" to moon the crowd. no big deal.
NFL Prime Time is on so i say they will show it.
He acted out mooning the crowd. He didnt actual do it he just acted it out. No big deal just another celebration. Its just the media and some people like to take things out of control and act like he ran in the crowd and punched a fan or something he was just clowning and havin fun nothing wrong with that. It is a game and they are supposed to have fun. The crowd didnt even react as bad as the commentators or the post game shows. I mean come on they didnt even boooo the guy
he pretended to moon the crowd and then wiped his a** over where it says Packers on the goal post!
i geuss espn isnt going to show it. any torrents yet?
Tony Dungy said that when the Packers beat you they moon the oppnents team bus when their leaving that is why Moss did what he did!
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