I swear, if we take Tebow in the 2nd, I am going to probably throw something through my brand new TV. Although, if someone wants to give us their 2nd for Pat White and we used it to take Tebow I would be cool with that.
i still have hope for Pat... like Tebow hes a good kid.
you cannot argue this in any way... Tebow has prooved he is a work horse, he has great ethics and yearn, he also is a winner.
he never states interest in him though, and i doubt (with so much hope) we dont even think of him in the draft unless we in the seventh...
and i have 0 hope with Pat White. sorry, i am usually not such a negative person taboot. its just how i feel
Let me know when he goes to help the poor without proselytizing and then we can say how great his ethics are. Until then, it's just strings-attached brain washing of the ignorant impoverished - an old and dirty trick of organized religions.
Seriously - he needs to check the bible thumping at the door. This is getting ridiculous. He's starting to make Kurt Warner look like an Atheist.
I still think Tebow would be better at doing what they tried to do with White this year.
Pat White is better at everything than Tebow. Better passer, better runner, better QB.