Special teams could be key against Jets | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Special teams could be key against Jets


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
Reaction score
Special teams could be key against Jets - no doubt - a draw in ST and we are better everywhere else. We need to Jets' O to sweat out every yard and do so without the help of good field position via STs.

Interesting stat for all dis-ing AJ (i have too :o )
Albert Johnson is second in the AFC in punt return average (11.7 yards) and fourth in kickoff return average (25 yards).
I knew this guy always had potential and he has the skills. But, he's gotta get over the nerve factor. Hopefully in a few games, he will start enjoying the NFL, and not nervous over it all. Those fair catches and fumbles are nerves, not bad skill. He has a chance to become one of the greatest returners in the NFL if he can calm down.
I would say the jets have an advantage in special teams for this game. However, the Dolphins do have a better offense and defense (so far).
Jets definately have an advantage on special team especially when you throw in the injuries to Twan Russell and Scott Mcgarrahan. Both of which, will not play this week. Big blow to our coverage teams, which is about the only thing the Jets have done right so far.

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