Spendy fight | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Spendy fight


Club Member
Aug 10, 2015
Reaction score
Northwest Iowa
As per Adam Beasley, Landry got hit with a 48K fine and Drake got smacked with 12K.


I can see Landry. I’d say that’s a bit harsh on Drake.
Probably high fives all around from his prick buddies.

Those prick buddies seen a teammate get his career ended by the guy who instigated the whole embarrassing episode.
these guys showed fight to me. The team lacked this from coaches and personnel. The two offensive MVPs get fined. Seems right.
And the one who tried to kill Drake? what did he get?
Absolutely, that prick who was mauling him on the bottom of the pile should have also gotten a fine. With that being said, Landry need to keep his emotions in check and stop being stupid.
Showing emotions? Getting kicked out of the game, really smart! The coaches need to reign in this "ego" behavior and think team first. Take a punch and walk away as we all know that it's the second one to retaliate that gets caught. Those are indispensable pieces of our offense and should NEVER be in that situation!!!!!
Jarvis is an emotional powderkeg who could explode at any moment on the field or off the field. Yes, he's a very good player but he comes with risk. Unfortunately, I can see Tannenbaum presenting an offer that he considers an insult because it is not top 5 NFL WR money. Landry actually picked the worst time to lose his cool like that because that march in disgrace to the locker room is our last image of him for the season.
Honestly I didnt see the issue with the whole thing till drake and th big guy went to the ground.. Personally I think it would of been nice to see our o lineman actually stand up and peel the bills off our RB.
Both those two looked like they were waiting for that to happen though.
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