Spielmen and other Dolphins Officials to have dinner with Henson tonight | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Spielmen and other Dolphins Officials to have dinner with Henson tonight


Pro Bowler
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
All over the place
I just read this over on NFL.com they said that alot of teams had quick mettings with him immediatly after the work out. But the Dolphins had plans to go out to dinner with him tonight. At least they might get a little more time with him then the other teams have so far.
Well, I suppose this indicates that there is strong interest in Henson, hopefully it works out. I just wish that we could know what's going to happen sooner rather than later; all this anticipation is killing me!
Sounds great. Lets butter him up and make him want to be a Dolphin.

Also FYI - Henson measured up at 6-4, 233 lbs.
Not only killin me but gettin old too already and its still only early February....got months until draft day.....ugh!!!!!
Thats their style man. They do that with their top 25 guys in the draft and stuff.

Sounds like Miami maybe not in the lead with the Texans, but they may be toward the top of the list in terms of Henson's preferences.

I wonder if Mularkey and the Bills or Sherman and the Packers offered to dine with the young buck and he refused because he'd already RSVP'd with Spielman? Hehe. Way to go Rick! Spring bigtime for the kid at dinner! I'm talkin some extra cheese on his burgers and make sure he gets a pickle on the side. No bud LIGHT for the kid, only regular budweiser for our boy!
Finally some decent news. I was tired of hearing people gloate about Ramsey coming to Miami.
We're thinking OUTSIDE the bun. ;)
Originally posted by Muck
Sounds great. Lets butter him up and make him want to be a Dolphin.

Also FYI - Henson measured up at 6-4, 233 lbs.

He has already stated he would like to play for either Miami or Barfalo. Nice and wram down south, I can attest the women are FAR better also.:D
Take him to the local DollHouse, give him a handful of c-notes, keep the shots of scotch coming and he'll be a Dolphin by morning.;)
Damn draft is too damn uncertain. I still want Rivers. But I'll take Henson. He does bear a striking resemblance to Troy Aikman, and Carson Palmer actually.

All Rivers does is naturally become the leader wherever he goes, picks up offenses like he wrote them, picks up timing as if he's been practicing with guys for years, and moves the ball down the field varying his throw to the situation.

I'm reading ESPN Insider and its VERY frustrating. Read Kiper's top 25 and he has Rivers as #8 saying that the Senior Bowl game and week of practices vaulted him as a Top 10 prospect answering a lot of questions and stealing the show. He seemed to emphasize that Rivers looked good all week yet if you read a separate report written by Kiper during the Senior Bowl just prior to the game he lists Rivers as a guy who hurt himself with his Senior Bowl practices.

Then you read the scouting reports on Rivers and Losman and reading all about Rivers you fall in love with him while reading all about Losman leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth, YET their conclusions are that Rivers hurt his stock all week by the simple fact that he had to stand next to Losman whose physical talents just looked so much more superior that Rivers' talent.

But in categories that seem so important to being an NFL QB, like poise in the pocket, getting to his secondary target progressions, accuracy, and judgement, Rivers just blows Losman away while Losman is getting like a "D" grade on his poise and ability to get to his second progressions.

According to ESPN Insider Rivers actually has an arm that can "make all the throws" and that he did have good velocity on his deep out routes...but Losman had way better he's just got that good of an arm. Yet they do say that Rivers because he's a launcher, actually throws a better ball for inclement weather because it has less spin on it...they said Rivers throws a "heavier" ball.
Originally posted by ckparrothead
Damn draft is too damn uncertain. I still want Rivers. But I'll take Henson. He does bear a striking resemblance to Troy Aikman, and Carson Palmer actually.

All Rivers does is naturally become the leader wherever he goes, picks up offenses like he wrote them, picks up timing as if he's been practicing with guys for years, and moves the ball down the field varying his throw to the situation.

I'm reading ESPN Insider and its VERY frustrating. Read Kiper's top 25 and he has Rivers as #8 saying that the Senior Bowl game and week of practices vaulted him as a Top 10 prospect answering a lot of questions and stealing the show. He seemed to emphasize that Rivers looked good all week yet if you read a separate report written by Kiper during the Senior Bowl just prior to the game he lists Rivers as a guy who hurt himself with his Senior Bowl practices.

Then you read the scouting reports on Rivers and Losman and reading all about Rivers you fall in love with him while reading all about Losman leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth, YET their conclusions are that Rivers hurt his stock all week by the simple fact that he had to stand next to Losman whose physical talents just looked so much more superior that Rivers' talent.

But in categories that seem so important to being an NFL QB, like poise in the pocket, getting to his secondary target progressions, accuracy, and judgement, Rivers just blows Losman away while Losman is getting like a "D" grade on his poise and ability to get to his second progressions.

According to ESPN Insider Rivers actually has an arm that can "make all the throws" and that he did have good velocity on his deep out routes...but Losman had way better he's just got that good of an arm. Yet they do say that Rivers because he's a launcher, actually throws a better ball for inclement weather because it has less spin on it...they said Rivers throws a "heavier" ball.

nice, Im all for drafting Rivers but from the latest news on him, Im not sure he will still be there at 20.
the good thing about going with Henson (if we get him) is we could trade a pick from next year's draft, and if we let Ogun go (and a team wants him...likely) then we'll be left with 2 first rounders and 2 third rounders this year.....and our philosiphy is always "this year we have to do it"

That sounds pretty nice to me :) Would allow us to start picking some young bucks for our offense....
Originally posted by ckparrothead
... yet if you read a separate report written by Kiper during the Senior Bowl just prior to the game he lists Rivers as a guy who hurt himself with his Senior Bowl practices...

That is interesting because the BigO reported that he didn't even see Kiper there the whole week during the practices.

I'm sure that Rivers value will come back down to earth after the combine.
The intangables are very important. Losman reminds me of Druckenmiller who has a cannon for an arm but is dumber than Lucas. His name can also elicite chants of lose man or loser man in tough times.
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