Spurrier tried and was denied | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Spurrier tried and was denied


Crank Yanker
Sep 4, 2001
Reaction score
Inside your head
Read that Steve Spurrier wanted permission to talk to Miami's defensive coordinator Bates, but he was denied. Bates was the Def. Coordinator the first year Spurrier coached at Florida but I guess he missed him all this time.:cool: Stevie, if you wanna coach pro football that's cool. Good luck, but stay away from my Phins staff!:evil: You coulda had Gailey, we were through with him.:lol:
I'd rather have Spurrier than Norvy Turner :rolleyes:
Damn it....

we could have fianlly dump Bates sorry ass.... man i hate this guy. He should have blitz vs the Ravens like the Steelers did, brought the safety's to stuff the run and let our corners on an island....

Seems like Bates will be there next year....
That is a shame! Bates is horrible, the d has got more undisaplined every year since he has been here. Not to mention less motivated.
The Dolphins are just way too conservative. If we had a better defensive cooridnator, we could have the best defense in the league.
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