Stadium Debacle... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Stadium Debacle...


May 7, 2009
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Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Okay, Im sure all of you by now have seen the pictures of all these upgrades that are about to be put into Dolphins Stadium. Now at first glance I didnt understand why they thought it was necessary to cover half of south Florida with the roof. But then i realized that its not going to be the final draft of it anyway. Unfortunately, it does seem like we are just going to renovate again. Kinda like putting a fresh coat of paint on a outdated building.

What I dont get is how the Marlins, and all 17 fans that show up every game, get the new stadium in South Florida when the Dolphins clearly have a much bigger and broader fan base. I think that we the Phins, as in the team and the fans, deserve a new stadium over the Marlins. Anyone know why the Marlins get one instead of us???
Because the Marlins wanted one. Simple as that. Marlins lease is up in 2011. They'll play their first stadium at the site of the old Orange Bowl (RIP) in 2012. The Dolphins didn't want a new stadium. They felt the didn't "need" one and instead opted for renovations.


With all of these renovations, it seems to me that we should have gone the route of a new stadium and built a more modern field such as the Cowboys or Cardinals have. We just finished renovations, now we're doing more, and like you said, there's probably more ahead in the future.
I always dreamed that Dolphin Stadium would move (new state-of-the-art building) near the Heat Arena, you know that big empty park that is mostly visited by bums. There's plenty of room, Downtown would be in the backdrop and near the water. They could always tear down those old buildings to make room for parking garages. It would be one of the best stadiums in the country as far as scenery goes.
Pretty simple the Dolphins aren't going anywhere new stadium or not while the Marlins we as good as gone without one. I think with the name change (Miami Marlins) and new ballpark the Marlins will start to draw fans. At least I hope because I've been a huge Marlin fan since day 1.
I always dreamed that Dolphin Stadium would move (new state-of-the-art building) near the Heat Arena, you know that big empty park that is mostly visited by bums. There's plenty of room, Downtown would be in the backdrop and near the water. They could always tear down those old buildings to make room for parking garages. It would be one of the best stadiums in the country as far as scenery goes.

Bicentennial Park. Never happen there. Parking would be RIDICULOUS.
Yeah, if they move Dolphin Stadium to Miami I'm going to be pissed. Right now it's in the most accessible spot for the entire tri-county area, and you don't need scenery and all that crap because the point of going to a football game is the tailgating and hanging out that you do at the stadium.

A campground-style environment is so much better than an urban one.
Pretty simple the Dolphins aren't going anywhere new stadium or not while the Marlins we as good as gone without one. I think with the name change (Miami Marlins) and new ballpark the Marlins will start to draw fans. At least I hope because I've been a huge Marlin fan since day 1.

It's confirmed they're changing their name to Miami Marlins?

That's kinda sick.
The Dolphins should've NEVER left the Orange Bowl. They should've completely refurbished the Orange Bowl and preserved the tradition we had there!!!!
Okay, Im sure all of you by now have seen the pictures of all these upgrades that are about to be put into Dolphins Stadium. Now at first glance I didnt understand why they thought it was necessary to cover half of south Florida with the roof. But then i realized that its not going to be the final draft of it anyway. Unfortunately, it does seem like we are just going to renovate again. Kinda like putting a fresh coat of paint on a outdated building.

What I dont get is how the Marlins, and all 17 fans that show up every game, get the new stadium in South Florida when the Dolphins clearly have a much bigger and broader fan base. I think that we the Phins, as in the team and the fans, deserve a new stadium over the Marlins. Anyone know why the Marlins get one instead of us???

The reason why the marlins get a stadium is: The City of Miami adds money and property.

Broward County and Miami-Dade County did not want to give anymore money after the Bank Atlantic Center (Panthers) and giving tax breaks over the years for Dolphin Stadium.

The City of Miami jumped on that and gave the Marlin's stadium property, added some money but also required the Marlins to be renamed to Miami Marlins.

The problem the ownership is facing is that the redo only benefits a certain class of people (corporate and ownership) and the NFL every few years. The economic impact is not paying off for an event every few years - neither for Broward, Miami-Dade nor Palm Beach County to add any tax dollars.

The latest improvements was mainly for the club level as well. The added space on the 400 level and 100 level was just by default which was a result from the 200 level intended improvement.

Regardless if any tax dollars will be added or not the average fan will pay dearly for it. Watch for Ross to hike prices over the next few years and maybe start that PSL fee business down here.
You can say what you want about the current stadium situation...but lets face it, fans are fickle. While many of us are die hards, many others only go when the team is winning. If we had been consistently winning over the past decade....the stadium would be filled (for the most part).
I always dreamed that Dolphin Stadium would move (new state-of-the-art building) near the Heat Arena, you know that big empty park that is mostly visited by bums. There's plenty of room, Downtown would be in the backdrop and near the water. They could always tear down those old buildings to make room for parking garages. It would be one of the best stadiums in the country as far as scenery goes.

Access to and from the stadium is already horrendous and that with direct access by three highways (I 95, Turnpike and Turnpike extension) plus two major south/north arteries (University/NW27th Ave).

30,000 plus cars going in and out downtown is a disaster.
They will never put the stadium back down in Miami... I think they like having it in between Lauderdale and Miami so they can get both communities involved...
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