in todays nfl you have to be able to pass and score lots of points.
and, you have to have a BIG TIME SECONDARY to stop all the other teams who have these big, dominant wr's on other teams in and out of our division.
mike wallace [the best wr we have and vastly demonized for tanny's shortcomings] is dominant, he was open so much last year for big plays it was sick. even tanny himself said last week HE is the one who has to pick up the downfield big plays. and not to many teams have a wr that ABSOLUTELY has to be accounted for on every play. we have one!! and, we can use another. you cant have to many PLAY MAKERS, on either side of the ball.
i want secondary in the first round and another in the 2nd or 3rd. but, i can absolutely see hickey taking one of the big time wr's who WILL be there at #19. COOKS, marshall and hartline with mathews or a healthy, end zome finding gibson in the slot wouldnt suck.
the ONLY o-lineguys worth taking at #19 are the BIG TIME 3 LT's, mathews, lewan and my fav greg robinson. and we are NOT drafting and paying another LT after the contract we gave albert. albert is going to be on that left side for another 4-5 years. after those guys, you have a dozen guys who can come right in and play RT. martin is everyones fav but, if the run on OT's happens like most think, he will be gone also.
and there are going to be several db's and lb's and play making wr's available for the finz to go RT at #19. several of those guys in those positions are better at what they do than martin is [and i like him] as a tackle.
you can put the wall of china in front of tanny but if he cant learn to hit the big plays down field and our secondary can not deal with the big time wr's and passing games in todays nfl, it wont mean a thing. fine, tanny thows for 27 yards but our opponent scores 36!! a stout secondary is much more important right now than rt. and i think fox, who has commited to the weight room and physical fitness is going to be the guy. and better than what we had last year. there isnt a guard worth #19. DRAFT TO THE STRENGTH ad in the first round, ALWAYS go BPA and if that happens to be a big need, fine, but the finz GM's have done just the opposite for years and that is why we have been one of the most talent bare teams in the nfl for a long time.
so all and all, a play making wr will not surprise me at #19 at all. neither will secondary or lb. at this point, an o-lineman in the first would surprise me no matter how convinced fans and the media hype machine are and that it's a forgone conclusion.
there is NO smoke screen game being played by hickey. he isnt tellin g ANYONE anything. all the things you hear and see on the net about our draft and who the finz are liking and who they want to draft ARE NOT COMING FROM HICKEY, weather we like the player or feel we need them. ONLY hickey knows for sure and am betting his plan is FAR, FAR different than what the fans and the media want and expect.