Steelers have 3 great RBs! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Steelers have 3 great RBs!


FinHeaven Cheerleader
Oct 3, 2001
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
No team needs 3 great running backs. :mad:

Could Amos Zereque or Chris Fuamatu-Ma'afala possibly be lured to the Dolphins?
I agree their tough, but they wouldn't be that good if it wasn't for their HOGS up front!! The Steelers have the BEST Offensive line in the league!! They will blow out the PATSIES this weekend!!
Originally posted by miadphan13
No team needs 3 great running backs. :mad:

Could Amos Zereque or Chris Fuamatu-Ma'afala possibly be lured to the Dolphins?

I wish we would get Fuamatu-Ma'afala, he is huge and cool too.
Originally posted by Phinmaster1354
I agree their tough, but they wouldn't be that good if it wasn't for their HOGS up front!! The Steelers have the BEST Offensive line in the league!! They will blow out the PATSIES this weekend!!
Lamar Smith w/b going to the Pro Bowl if he started for Pitt this year. :D
Originally posted by Dolfan984
You a bad Ma'afala (Shut your mouth)

I'm talkin about Mafala...Can you dig it dig it :lol::lol:
I don't think that anyone will be getting Zeroue from us. Or if they do they'll be paying a lot of money/picks!

You might have some luck with Fu but he has had some injury problems. Good solid back though.

Originally posted by Slaine
I don't think that anyone will be getting Zeroue from us. Or if they do they'll be paying a lot of money/picks!

You might have some luck with Fu but he has had some injury problems. Good solid back though.

I agree with you on Fu. He's a pretty talented RB with decent size and speed. He'd be a good pickup for anyone.
Sorry, but the Jets have the best oline in football. I wouldnt call Fuamatu Ma'fala & Zereoue great. Fu is average at best. He's nothing great. He cant catch. Sure he breaks a tackle once in a while, but he only average 3.8 ypc.

Zereoue is something special for a thrid down back in the mold of Warrick Dunn. I've liked him ever since his days at West Virginia. He averaged over 5 ypc. But we already have one of him in Minor.
Zeroue finished with all sorts of records at West Virginia and fans were screaming for him to play but he didn't because his blocking was suspect. He's worked really hard and is now the sort of power scatback that can turn a game.

5'8", 220#, 40' - 4.45!!!

And he can catch. If we get past the Pats (which I have high hopes that we will) then Zeroue will put on a show on the New Orleans turf.

Fu is average at best. He's nothing great. He cant catch. Sure he breaks a tackle once in a while, but he only average 3.8 ypc.

Fu is still learning - he is amazing physically but hasn't learned how to be patient and let his blocking develop like the Bus has. He will do - and when he figures it out he'll be awesome. That's why we matched the Pats offer in the offseason and then extended it to a three year contract.
The team with the best offensive line is the Rams. They get Trung Canidate almost 6 yards a carry, sure he is good but he wouldn't get that on any other team.
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