Steve Ross holds all the power, which means he now deserves all the blame | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Steve Ross holds all the power, which means he now deserves all the blame


Club Member
Aug 10, 2008
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Pattaya, Thailand
It was a straight forward question, direct and to the point. Maybe that's why it produced an answer that matched.

The Miami Dolphins' search for a new general manager hit a couple snags because the team's owner wasn't willing to give his prospective GM candidates the power to hire and fire the head coach.
Whether that decision could be made tomorrow, or after the 2014 season, or four years from now, everyone deserved to know why Steve Ross insisted on holding onto control?

Ross paused for a second, offered a smirked, and then answered.
"I own the team. Let us start there," Ross said before letting out a chuckle.
read more:,0,4409238.story?track=rss
Ultimately so does every owner.

Can't blame Ross for the entire decade of futility.

Huizenga gets too much of a pass if you ask me.
Ross has owned the team for half a decade so yea he owns the blame since 2009 season
I clicked on this link. I then realized that it was written by Omar Kelly. I'm no longer surprised by the stupidity of it.
Ross has been a clutz of an owner, but I do think he is intelligent and he learns from his mistakes. He is starting to "get it". Getting rid of the last holdouts from Parcels finally removes the stench from this franchise.
This team is positioned to take control of the AFCE if Hickey can assemble a great oline and upgrade a couple positions.
My only complaint to Ross is that he should have blown this thing up when Sparano was fired. It should have been a clean sweep.

The owner with a billion dollars invested in the team wants to have some say on the top level executives of the team....SHOCKING!
My only complaint to Ross is that he should have blown this thing up when Sparano was fired. It should have been a clean sweep.

Exactly! IMO, it should've been a clean sweep after this season; Philbin is not HC material.
Ross has been a clutz of an owner, but I do think he is intelligent and he learns from his mistakes. He is starting to "get it". Getting rid of the last holdouts from Parcels finally removes the stench from this franchise.
This team is positioned to take control of the AFCE if Hickey can assemble a great oline and upgrade a couple positions.
My only complaint to Ross is that he should have blown this thing up when Sparano was fired. It should have been a clean sweep.
If that is true, he needs to get rid of Aponte because Parcells is the one who brought her here.
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