Strangest power rankings i've seen yet | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Strangest power rankings i've seen yet

Damn, Miami Dolphins 5th best team in the NFL???? I like it, but I am not sure I agree with it YET. Nice we are getting some love.
WOW!!! I love seeing us finally getting attention but there is no way we are the 5th best team. Maybe we are playing like it. Don't agree with it.. BUT I LOVE IT!!
Wow us better than the TITANS? i dont agree with it at all but i LOVE IT! I think this power ranking is based on the last few games and not a whole season.
ya i love seeing that. the only other rankings i have seen that are normal was espn which had us at 11 and all the teams ahead of us are probably deserving so. foxsports had us at 16, and i think the jets at 10 which was laughable.
I would say 7-8. I think we can play with anyone though good or bad...hehe
Miami shouldn't be in the top 10 much less the top 5.
I TRULY BELIEVE YOUR OPINION BEGS FOR CLARIFICATION.........if you consider where we came from, I think that you could be misled. Instead focus on where we are going and admit that a first round playoff victory is possible, that would definitely rank us in the top 10 for this year. I do agree that if we had to round robin the entire league we probably would finish much closer to 16 right now, but beating NY Jests (sans miracles) is definitely possible. A first round playoff victory might seem a reach, but this team is capable of taking the next step very soon. Somehow I feel like the timely blessings this year will not be wasted. Our path is not as tough as others and we are relatively healthier and our players are getting used to winning (7 of 8). Please don't let negative undertones rule the day! Seize opportunity as a team player and jump on the bandwagon, heck even the media is finding a change of heart. STANDING ROOM ONLY
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