Surrounded by the enemy.. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Surrounded by the enemy..


NewEngland Fin
Super Donator
Club Member
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
Sitting in the airport ready to board my flight down to the game, surrounded by local Pats fans also heading down, giving me dirty looks, cuz I'm PROUDLY wearing my Fins gear! Eff em I say..Eff em all!!!
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Eff them all!!! I think I might actually dislike Pats fans even more than the team itself. It would make my year to make them upset by whooping there ass.
Sitting in the airport ready to board my flight down to the game, surrounded by local Pats fans also heading down, giving me dirty looks, cuz I'm PROUDLY wearing my Fins gear! Eff I'm say..Eff em all!!!
Tread boldly Danny and wear the aqua and orange with pride. Enjoy the game and try to remain modest on the return flight - they may not handle disappointment very well.
I live amongst these yahoos year around. They are so spoiled. At the game in Foxboro, they booed their team off the field at halftime. I would give my left foot for half of their success they have had since 2001 and they heckle their team leaving the field.

Have fun down there. I hope the crowd is into it. Those that have been there have been loud. The team has to give them something to cheer about.

Good luck. I will be on another "front of the battle" living up here in Chowderville and enduring a snowstorm.
I feel your pain i spent my birthday with a bunch of drunken steeler fans who don't understand

The pats are becoming the ny yankees of the NFL. Here's an idea if you get bored on the flight. Ask those life-long pats fans who steve grogan is. Hell even throw andre tippets name in there. It never fails to suprise me that these lifelong pats fans have never heard of the first guy to get them in a supoer bowl.
I live amongst these yahoos year around. They are so spoiled. At the game in Foxboro, they booed their team off the field at halftime. I would give my left foot for half of their success they have had since 2001 and they heckle their team leaving the field.

Have fun down there. I hope the crowd is into it. Those that have been there have been loud. The team has to give them something to cheer about.

Good luck. I will be on another "front of the battle" living up here in Chowderville and enduring a snowstorm.

Hayden - I had no idea that you lived in Massachusetts, I wrongly assumed that you lived in Miami. You seem a pretty smart guy, but I will state the obvious. Have you ever considered relocating to South Florida? You don't have to shiver and freeze your nuts off among intellectually challenged Patriots fans, you can drive on different stretch of I95 among kindred spirits. You have a choice.
That sounds great, especially to someone with a driveway full of snow right now. I hope your trip is successful! Eat some arepas for me.
Pats fans are obnoxious know it all ass wipes. Hell with em
Surrounded by idiot jet fans and snow here on Long Island!!! I can't imagine patriot fans being worse than jet fans!!!

Hope Cody Wallace is the TSA agent searching those Patriot fans for their flight!!!!
I live in nyc ( originally from miami) and I've been to several stadiums to support the fins over the years , including; the redskins, eagles, buffalo, etc and you never seen other teams fans taking over the stadium. In addition, ive been to soccer games all over south america where ive been locked into the home teams stadium until the small amount of victorious visiting teams fans left the area for fear of their lives. That to me is home field advantage.
Instead of the operation takeover in NYC, someone needs to take the bull by the horns and begin a movement for home games not just to have more of a presence but to intimidate opposing teams fans and deter them from thinking they can come to fins home games, get some sun and takeover the place. If it were me, I would pick the first wimpy loudmouth guy in a pats jersey and throw A beer at him or heckle him the whole game in front of other pats fans to show them that they should think twice before coming down here again.
Clearly, miami won't sell out until they begin winning again consistantly but fans can still assert themselves and make it uncomfortable for visiting fans by heckling/ abusing them without getting locked up of course. Culture needs to change!
I live amongst these yahoos year around. They are so spoiled. At the game in Foxboro, they booed their team off the field at halftime. I would give my left foot for half of their success they have had since 2001 and they heckle their team leaving the field.

I hope you are speaking metaphorically lol.
I feel ya bro. I live 15 minuets away from Gillett stadium. I wear my Phins jacket and hat and jerseys all the time i get looks people say stuff to me but i still hold strong.
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