T-Buck: Pats lucky, Phins not. | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

T-Buck: Pats lucky, Phins not.

Bit-hacheck isn't as good as he's made out to be IMO. He is having a few good years but he isn't God. There was a great article a couple of days ago covering his history but I forget where now.......he has more losing seasons then winning the division (5-4 it stated) and has pissed off other fans from the other team he was HC of (slips my mind at the moment). He has some good players, has planned well, and received multiple breaks not only going HIS team's way....but also going AGAINST other teams.....that's what makes him a superstar? He should vote player's like Mare his team MVP then....i guess he somehow influenced him? His team really doesn't scare anyone as they haven't whipped anyone yet....they just keep on squeaking by and everyone knows they're one play away from kicking their tails.
Originally posted by jbond
Bit-hacheck isn't as good as he's made out to be IMO. He is having a few good years but he isn't God. There was a great article a couple of days ago covering his history but I forget where now.......he has more losing seasons then winning the division (5-4 it stated) and has pissed off other fans from the other team he was HC of (slips my mind at the moment). He has some good players, has planned well, and received multiple breaks not only going HIS team's way....but also going AGAINST other teams.....that's what makes him a superstar? He should vote player's like Mare his team MVP then....i guess he somehow influenced him? His team really doesn't scare anyone as they haven't whipped anyone yet....they just keep on squeaking by and everyone knows they're one play away from kicking their tails.

No one is saying he's a god. But unlike Wanny and Manboobs who's got better talent than BB , he is easily the best coach in the AFCE and arguably the entire league.

He's been able to do what Herm wasn't and that's overcome injuries to his major players.
I knew when I posted that the Phins hadn't really had game-changing breaks to their way, that folks would point to the Pats taking advantage of what is given to them. My comment was not a dump on the Pats at all. Nor was it a whining excuse for the Phins. I agree you have to take advantage of what you're getting. I would think only a rabid materialist would argue that luck, or fortuity does not play a significant part in the outcome of some games. I submit that Miami did not get a lot of them this year. For example; yes, getting the opportunity to make two game winning field goals is a situation where you need to capitalize. I wouldn't call the way we got down there "a break" though. Missing both (or having one blocked), is the kind of "absence of breaks" that I was referring to. Miami wasn't the recipient of many of breaks (e.g., ball bouncing off upright through the goalpost, deflected passes, etc.).
i agree he has done an outstanding job and wouldn't 'trash' the man....and maybe this year he has done the best job out of 32 HC's. I'm just pointing out he went from buffoon at his previous team to the best coach in the league....magically in a couple of years.....the media loves to talk about how "great" he is and said everything except he is the next coming...(and I'm sure some of it is due after the problems he has faced this year) but some of the media and fans make him out to be the next best thing since miniskirts were invented and I don't think he is......is all. If our players didn't screw up a couple of times on their own would that make DW the best coach this year? He has made some poor decisions, but is a player's efficiency and consistency really the true reflection of someone's coaching ability? Although with our numerous problems on Offense and inconsistent D.....with all that....we're still 4 plays away from being 13-3 this year.
I am more inclinded to agree with Don Shula who does not believe in luck.

"Former Dolphins coach Don Shula doesn't believe in luck. His championship teams were disciplined, fundamentally sound and talented.

''You think we . . . won two consecutive Super Bowls and were undefeated because we were lucky?'' Shula asks incredulously during a phone conversation.

The caller makes the point that the 1972 Dolphins were able to avoid major injuries and that is an extension of luck.

''We lost our starting quarterback Bob Griese for all but five games,'' Shula quickly retorts. ``But we had a veteran backup in Earl Morrall who played very well and helped get us to the Super Bowl.''

I cant believe a team would depend on luck to win games, no doubt about it the question that the Patriots have gotten some good karma but we have also had some things to overcome, injuries, Milloy release, tough schedule, but in all honesty you play the games and you either make plays and win or dont and lose.
Not that I presume to more than T-buck but:

Pats against teams with winning records - 7-0

Phins against teams with winning records - 2-5

Thats not luck, that is getting the job done. give credit where credit is due.

I compeltely agree with T-Buck......the Pats are the luckiest team of this year.
Originally posted by SkapePhin

The Dolphins haven't been particularly lucky, either.

Terrell Buckley, who was on the New England team that won the Super Bowl in 2001, says luck is as important as a good running game or an aggressive defense.

''In New England, we got some bounces,'' Buckley said. ``Some teams we flat-out whipped, but we also got some bounces. Here, we've had no luck this year, we have gotten no bounces. Yes, we have as much talent as that New England team that won it. But when you don't get any breaks, it doesn't matter.''


He is right. But there are 3 things that NE has that Miami doesn't.

T-Buck was actually referring to his 2001 Superbowl Patriots.. Not this year's Patriots.
Originally posted by Fiedler for MVP
hate to break it to you...but turnovers are breaks, whether they are created, or freely given.

my point is, we believe the football gods have a vendetta against us (penalties, december games in buff and NE,etc), but the fact is that we get our share of breaks...AND DONT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM

Yeah and one of my "favorite" breaks that we rarely take advantage of is when we down a punt on the 2 and what happens? Our pro-bowl lets lets them move the chain 2 or 3 times and we wind up back at square one again. In contrast, when we start out like that, we'll likely kick from our endzone alot.
Originally posted by Fiedler for MVP
hate to break it to you...but turnovers are breaks, whether they are created, or freely given.

my point is, we believe the football gods have a vendetta against us (penalties, december games in buff and NE,etc), but the fact is that we get our share of breaks...AND DONT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM

Fied4MVP if TO's are breaks then Miami sure got some bad breaks when Wade smith Failed to block well and caused us to fumble against Indy costing us the game. Or when McMichale failed to block for Fiedler against NE in the second game that caused a fumble. It's like sec126 says a fumble caused or recovered isn't a break. Neither is an INT. It's within the normal scope of performance high or low. A team that can't score on you from the 1 yard line in 4 downs is a good break. Beating Denver in the last minute by taking a safety is good break. Winning 7 games by a point to 3 points is a good break.
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