T.O. Can't shut up! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

T.O. Can't shut up!

Fin Fan in Cali

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Sep 8, 2004
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Sunshine state
I was watching ESPN this morning, and T.O is not making friends at all. They were saying that he is putting more distance between himself, and Donovan, by calling him a company man. When will Owens just learn to play the game, and keep his pie hole shut once and for all!
agree, the guy is making a good amount and his team is winning!, cmon how can u not like that, i think its rediculous hes asking for more money now, just rediculous
Fin Fan in Cali said:
I was watching ESPN this morning, and T.O is not making friends at all. They were saying that he is putting more distance between himself, and Donovan, by calling him a company man. When will Owens just learn to play the game, and keep his pie hole shut once and for all!

Why should T.O. shut his mouth?

Look at McNabbs numbers in 04 (thanks to Owens) and then look at his numbers in his 5 previous seasons without T.O.! The bottom line is that McNabb couldnt get the job done in 3 NFC title games and then he choked in the SB once he finally got there!

The only Eagle that actually showed up to the SB and played with heart was Owens!

Im pretty sure he did it on a broken leg!
Shifty187 said:
Why should T.O. shut his mouth?

Look at McNabbs numbers in 04 (thanks to Owens) and then look at his numbers in his 5 previous seasons without T.O.! The bottom line is that McNabb couldnt get the job done in 3 NFC title games and then he choked in the SB once he finally got there!

The only Eagle that actually showed up to the SB and played with heart was Owens!

Im pretty sure he did it on a broken leg!
This should be handle with the team behind close doors, and not through the press. If he is such a team player, why does he take shots at his fellow players? I agree Owens plays with heart, however is mouth is a big negative in any way you look at it. It will not help his plight to get a new deal.
painnotpleasure said:
TO has to feed his family...

Yeah, cuz the money he's getting now just isn't enough for that.
I just dont understand TO at all. He is with a great team, he has great coaches there and plus he has a good QB in McNabb that will throw him the ball. TO is in a good situation and i dont understand why he is trying to take that away from himself. He signed that contract a year ago and he is already acting like a big baby about it. To better be glad that he doesnt have a tough coach, or he will be hurting.
Shifty187 said:
Why should T.O. shut his mouth?

Look at McNabbs numbers in 04 (thanks to Owens) and then look at his numbers in his 5 previous seasons without T.O.! The bottom line is that McNabb couldnt get the job done in 3 NFC title games and then he choked in the SB once he finally got there!

The only Eagle that actually showed up to the SB and played with heart was Owens!

Im pretty sure he did it on a broken leg!

You're argument makes no sense.

The Eagles got to the NFC championship games without TO 3 times and lost.

Then they got there a fourth time, without TO and won. Then lost the Superbowl with TO.

Did TO play on a broken leg and play well, sure. Did it even matter in the end, nope.

There is no way the eagles give in to his demands or they will be the laughingstock of the league.
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