☠️ Banned ☠️
Please check in so we know you're around. We'll be doing this once more probably a few days before the draft starts to make sure you're around. When you announce you're present, I will change your color from red to black.
Indianapolis Colts - bigwalt18
San Diego Chargers - saves
Dallas Cowboys - Sancho
Green Bay Packers - vinlakers22
Tampa Bay Buccaneers – Skeet84
Miami Dolphins - schisno
Miami Dolphins - schisno
Buffalo Bills - sports24/7
New York Jets - FinFanGirl
New England Patriots – Phinzone
Pittsburgh Steelers - Sean
Pittsburgh Steelers - Sean
Cleveland Browns - Gish
Cincinnati Bengals -reddbaron **NEW GM**
Baltimore Ravens - Smoke
Indianapolis Colts - bigwalt18
Jacksonville Jaguars - banzaitrey
Tennessee Titans - GridIronKing34
Houston Texans – Paul 13
San Diego Chargers - saves
Denver Broncos – B.Sebo
Oakland Raiders - PublixSubsRule **New GM**
Kansas City Chiefs - Regan21286
Dallas Cowboys - Sancho
New York Giants – Majpain
Washington Redskins - UCFinFan86
Philadelphia Eagles - JTBRLZ
Green Bay Packers - vinlakers22
Minnesota Vikings - Stitches
Detroit Lions - Straztheman
Chicago Bears – Alex44
Tampa Bay Buccaneers – Skeet84
Carolina Panthers - adamprez2003
New Orleans Saints – Saint Greg
Atlanta Falcons – biggtyme13
Seattle Seahawks -- pigskinguy
Seattle Seahawks -- pigskinguy
Arizona Cardinals - Disguistipate
San Francisco 49ers -- NewEra8
St. Louis Rams -- TractorTraylor