Tell me how Pouncey starts 16 games | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Tell me how Pouncey starts 16 games


Jane Gum
Mar 13, 2003
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I really need to know how a guy who hasn't started all games in the last 5 years who was recently photographed walking with a cane and will sit out the preseason is going to play through an entire season.
What am I missing?
If we can get 13, his career average, I will be thrilled.

At this point I don't want him playing at all unless his health and strength are back at 100%, which I doubt it will ever be at this point.

Reason being is tells in his stance. If not completely healthy he will tip off the defense to our plays.
I'm not saying it's going to happen, but how does it happen?

- No aggravation of the injury late in the season last year because Gase held him out, which leads to....
- Around say 10+ months cumulative recovery time from first missed game last year until start of 2017 season
- Pouncey doing all he can to get it into shape this offseason (sounds like he is checking all avenues, doing all he can, which feeds some of the concern i think)
- If he's walking with a cane, could just be being smart - how many people aggravate healing injuries/surgeries by overdoing it? I know a few recently.
- Gase being smart with his practice schedule, letting him do just enough to be prepared to play

Those are the things he has going for him going into the 2017 season, by all accounts.
Easy. He starts each game and plays the oppening drive only and then he doesn't play till the next game. Do that all 16 weeks.

Ozzy rules!!
Sure he can start all 16 games in the National foosball league.

Drink up fellas, it's f****** delicious while it lasts! 16 games, I believe in him.
It's also worth checking out the Miami Herald dolphins section if interested in this topic - headlines there would have you believe things are going well...Armando even reports "No setbacks" for Pouncey this offseason.
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