Terrelle Pryor being investigated by Ohio State, NCAA | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Terrelle Pryor being investigated by Ohio State, NCAA


FinHeaven Elite
Jul 30, 2004
Reaction score
Huntsville, AL

The playing career of Terrelle Pryor at Ohio State could be in doubt, according to a story published by The Columbus Dispatch.

Pryor, who already will serve a five-game suspension at the start of his senior season after selling memorabilia in exchange for cash and improper benefits, is being probed by both the NCAA and Ohio State.
Multiple people told the The Dispatch the investigation is focused on whether the Buckeyes quarterback received automobiles and other benefits not included in the original suspension.

The Dispatch reported earlier this year that Pryor was stopped for traffic violations three times in the past three years while driving cars that were owned by a car salesman or a Columbus used-car dealer for whom the salesman worked.

Citing federal law, the school would not comment on whether Pryor's activities are currently being examined.

This kid is so ****ing stupid he drives to a team meeting today in a Nissan 350z with dealer tags...
Heads up

Rumors are circulating that Pryor could be dismissed from the program soon and that OSU could go ahead and vacate wins from the 2010 and 2011 seasons. FWIW, this comes from a very credible source on the GatorCountry insider forum who also called it on the Tressel resignation.

Heads up

Rumors are circulating that Pryor could be dismissed from the program soon and that OSU could go ahead and vacate wins from the 2010 and 2011 seasons. FWIW, this comes from a very credible source on the GatorCountry insider forum who also called it on the Tressel resignation.


I didn't realize there was any question Pryor would not play another down at OSU, Tressel would resign, and OSU would vacate wins. I also don't think there's any question OSU is going to lose scholarships, and receive a post season ban. The question is, do they vacate their national title like they should. That's what I give the most ****s about.
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