Practice Squad
Hey Boys and Girls,
Long Time Dolphin Fan, living up here in Massachusettes. You can't even imagine what it's been like the past 4 years having to deal with all these ******ed Pats fans! I'm the only one out of 120 people at my job who isn't a Patriots Wagon-Rider. I take crap constantly. Especially last year with Ricky's retirement...We need a big year outta the Fins! I need 'em to sweep NE so I can go to work with my head held High! Greetings to all and hope to see you around the boards!
Long Time Dolphin Fan, living up here in Massachusettes. You can't even imagine what it's been like the past 4 years having to deal with all these ******ed Pats fans! I'm the only one out of 120 people at my job who isn't a Patriots Wagon-Rider. I take crap constantly. Especially last year with Ricky's retirement...We need a big year outta the Fins! I need 'em to sweep NE so I can go to work with my head held High! Greetings to all and hope to see you around the boards!