I know there's a rule against personal attacks, and I'm going to break it with this post. Feel free to report this post if you so choose. YOU are what's wrong with America today. Look up the Fermi Paradox. I've provided your ignorant ass with a link that shows you the evidence of global warming. You choose to ignore the logical conclusion in the face of overwhelming evidence. If you were ever wondering why God made your daughter retarded, you can stop wondering. He didn't make you daughter retarded. Your genes did. If your IQ is a point above 100, I'll eat my ****ing shirt. You're a god damn tea party conservative that is ****ing hijacking the country and burning it to the ground. You are a ****ing domestic terrorist. You're saying that "People much smarter than me that have done the research, their opinions mean jack ****." That's exactly the ****ing opposite of how science is supposed to work. You're a young-earth creationist(possibly creationist) and a climate change denier. Honestly I don't know two worse things to be other than an Anti-Vaxer, but you may surprise me yet and claim that. You're willfully ignorant and no amount of evidence that anyone presents to you is ever going to change you being an ignorant jackass. I hope people like you die out. We need another genocide and it needs to start with people like you.
Here's a link with more facts about Global Climate Change. I made sure it was for elementary school students, so you might be able to understand.
Now give me my ban.