The 1st FA we sign s/b.... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The 1st FA we sign s/b....


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Matt Turk - he's the best P UFA out there and somebody is gonna grab him. We need a good P to play the ball control game Wanne likes.
I agree, but he is only worth 650K a year tops. He is a punter, but we should sign him quickly.

Seem like Miami is interested in Berger!!! HE is the best in the NFL... But i don't think it's a brilliant idea to spend a millions on him...

NFL | Berger Popular - posted at KFFL (
9:12 PT: The Pioneer Press reports several NFL teams including Houston, Miami, Tampa Bay and Indianapolis have expressed interest in P Mitch Berger, who was released last week by the Minnesota Vikings.
Call me really old fashion, but, in BIG games field position is where it's at --------I still think Reggie ROB-bie cost us the ring against SF. The guy punted BIG all season long ..... I'm still pissed !!!!:fire: :fire: :fire:


Oh, sorry , Turk ---do the deal!!!!!
The first free agent we should sign is any of our own; Marion, McDuffie, or LoBro, or former Fin Bryan Cox for depth at all LB positions.
Originally posted by SMadison29
The first free agent we should sign is any of our own; Marion, McDuffie, or LoBro, or former Fin Bryan Cox for depth at all LB positions.
not sure we need Lo Bro and the others will draw little interest. Problem for P is that we cannot possibly spend big on it when we have the highest paid K in the league. There is only so much that can go to an extra 1 or 2 yards per punt.
I think we are good at all 3 LB positions. Greenwood was good at the end of the season when he got a clue of what to do on the field and made some key plays, Rodgers is good but overpaid, and we all know about the great Zach Thomas. The two people we should sign first are Turk and Marion.
we could use someone to compete ag. Rodgers and give us depth, though we did pick up Corey Moore at the end of the season.
The first FA we sign will be

Carolina DT Larry Chester. Will be a great signing for us.
"not sure we need Lo Bro and the others will draw little interest."

Marion is going to be courted by Tennessee, & LoBro is a good pass rusher. He's much better than that bum Mixon. Though now it seems that LoBro will be a little pricey, as Minnesota & Denver are talking to him.
we have no need for Lo Bro since we have 2 backup DE that can rush the passer in D Bowens and AOgleawannrewrewerfefawefdele. We are best trying to get a guy who can play the run on first and 2nd downs.
That is why there is speculation of moving Gardener to LE once Chester is signed. Bromell is a pass rusher, those other two are unproven. We need LoBro, but it looks like Denver & Minnesota do to.

Originally posted by SMadison29
That is why there is speculation of moving Gardener to LE once Chester is signed. Bromell is a pass rusher, those other two are unproven. We need LoBro, but it looks like Denver & Minnesota do to.

I'm just curious as to where you read that (the DG part). Could you please post the link, thanks.:)
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