The 3-4. DO you think we'll run it now?? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The 3-4. DO you think we'll run it now??


The POFO bully.
Dec 17, 2004
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About four months or so ago, there was lots of talk by some of our resident experts on how the Dolphins will not run a 3-4 defense this year. Based on the current situation regarding our DT situation, do these experts still believe we will not run a 3-4?? You people know who you are, and I believe the term Saban has never run a 3-4 was a popular point of view then.
It's more of a change-of-pace than anything else. Most times it's not a "true" 3-4, in that one of our defensive lineman standing up.

I don't think Saban in interested in the 3-4 as much as he is confusing an offense with different looks.
We will be seeing a hybrid defense. It will be a combination between 4-3 and 3-4, but it will probably be 4-3 60% of the time. The defense will constantly be changing and Offenses won't know what is coming next.
Nublar7 said:
We will be seeing a hybrid defense. It will be a combination between 4-3 and 3-4, but it will probably be 4-3 60% of the time. The defense will constantly be changing and Offenses won't know what is coming next.
I'm thinking the other way around actually 3-4 60%. Traylor is a huge menacing NT. Carter and Holliday play ends, Taylor and Junior on the outside, Thomas and Crowder in the middle...................mmmmmmmm them's good beats.:evil:
Muck said:
It's more of a change-of-pace than anything else. Most times it's not a "true" 3-4, in that one of our defensive lineman standing up.

I don't think Saban in interested in the 3-4 as much as he is confusing an offense with different looks.
Yeah but Bowens, Robinson, and Chester are gone from last year (not like Bowens and Chester played much anyway). Chester is no way a lock to start the season right now because of that knee. You have to put the best players on the field you can, and right now it's more linebackers. About time too we've been drafting them by the handful for years.
I'd like to see Roth in the 3-4...maybe not right away, but have JT or Roth drop back to the OLB spot and have Traylor throw people around...can't wait!!!!!
Seems like we'll play a bit more 4-3 than the hybrid 3-4, but who knows? All I can say is that's I'm so fired up to see different schemes on BOTH sides of the ball. This D seems like it's will keep teams guessing like NE or Philly. After so long of being so damn predictable on D....lining up 4-3 man to man safties deep....It's gonna be so exciting to see this complex and agressive defense! I love this.
ladeback said:
Seems like we'll play a bit more 4-3 than the hybrid 3-4, but who knows? All I can say is that's I'm so fired up to see different schemes on BOTH sides of the ball. This D seems like it's will keep teams guessing like NE or Philly. After so long of being so damn predictable on D....lining up 4-3 man to man safties deep....It's gonna be so exciting to see this complex and agressive defense! I love this.

Megatron said:
About four months or so ago, there was lots of talk by some of our resident experts on how the Dolphins will not run a 3-4 defense this year. Based on the current situation regarding our DT situation, do these experts still believe we will not run a 3-4?? You people know who you are, and I believe the term Saban has never run a 3-4 was a popular point of view then.

We arent running a 3-4 defense. We run a 4-3 with variations that include 3-4, how hard is this to understand?
Muck said:
It's more of a change-of-pace than anything else. Most times it's not a "true" 3-4, in that one of our defensive lineman standing up.

I don't think Saban in interested in the 3-4 as much as he is confusing an offense with different looks.

Megatron said:
About four months or so ago, there was lots of talk by some of our resident experts on how the Dolphins will not run a 3-4 defense this year. Based on the current situation regarding our DT situation, do these experts still believe we will not run a 3-4?? You people know who you are, and I believe the term Saban has never run a 3-4 was a popular point of view then.

I bet on the 4/3 being used the most, especially if they get another big man in the middle.

What they do is run a 5-2 and someone watches the Rb. If he breaks out, one of the lineman, or a Lb goes with him. That's still 4 up front, 3 in the middle.

Every single play during the three days I was there, they had 4 down lineman at the snap. Saban said it himself, that they will use a lot of 5-2...

So your answer for now is no, they have not even practiced a 3-4 yet.
My god, I have been beating this issue to death. WE CAN NOT run the 3-4. what does a NT have to do with running a 3-4???? NOTHING! It has everything to do with a SS LB!! WE DO NOT have a LB capable to play the SS LB position!!! Roth is strictly a RE, and he can not play the SS!!! FINE, LET YOUR OWN EYES TELL YOU WHEN THE GAMES START! ITS ALL SS (strong side) LB in the 3-4, PERIOD!
I think that Saban wants to run numerous schemes to confurse the offense. I don't believe we will run a base 3-4 defense, but stick to a 4-3 and use numerous formations out of that.
There have been NUMEROUS mentions of our transformation to a 3-4 defense.

So why don't we see them running it?

Because what we see them running at an open practice means next to nothing.

Ex: Wes Welker being worked into the offense more. Does anyone remember who the stars of mini camp were the two years before this? Brad Russell and Anthony Simmons were "tearing it up out there". When the season rolled around, both of those guys were long forgotten. It's easy for those little, quick guys to make a name for themselves when there is no they get used as decoys.

The real stuff comes out when we're not allowed to be there and when the first game of the season rolls around. before that, we're not going to know much of anything about what's really going on.

Saban is playing everything close to the vest and if you think you're going to figure out what he's doing from watching an open to the public, three day mini camp in June, you got a hundred more thinks coming.
inFINSible said:
There have been NUMEROUS mentions of our transformation to a 3-4 defense.

So why don't we see them running it?

Because what we see them running at an open practice means next to nothing.

Ex: Wes Welker being worked into the offense more. Does anyone remember who the stars of mini camp were the two years before this? Brad Russell and Anthony Simmons were "tearing it up out there". When the season rolled around, both of those guys were long forgotten. It's easy for those little, quick guys to make a name for themselves when there is no they get used as decoys.

The real stuff comes out when we're not allowed to be there and when the first game of the season rolls around. before that, we're not going to know much of anything about what's really going on.

Saban is playing everything close to the vest and if you think you're going to figure out what he's doing from watching an open to the public, three day mini camp in June, you got a hundred more thinks coming.
Exactly Infins, I think some of our resident experts have their heads in the sand and are merely convinced of their own point of view on it. A 3-4 alignment 30% of the time is still a 3-4 defence considering how much nickle and dime gets played in the NFL. Also we can all pretend there won't be a base configuration of 3-4, I mean it's always easier to be right right. But a guy like Traylor screams NT in a 3-4 setup. He so huge, he can be that guy. Brian Billick when he changed the Ravens to a 3-4 after winning the Superbowl with the 4-3 said the reason he did it was because they were stronger at LB. What he meant was they had to get the best players on the field. Carter and Holliday are not pass rushing ends just to burst that bubble. And we are clearly not running Wanny's COVER2 4-3 base scheme anymore. SO my question is why are you experts so sure we won't be running a heavy dose of 3-4 when all signs clearly state we will.
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