The beginnings of Free Agency?? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The beginnings of Free Agency??


FinHeaven VIP
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
South Jersey
I could you a little help from you guys regarding the beginnings of the current free agency rules in the NFL..........

From the research I've done, I've found that the current system was put in place in 1993.....the year Reggie White was a free agent and went to GB.

But I've also found some info referrencing 1992 as the beginning of free agency. in the history section of the official Dolphin site it lists Keith Jackson as a free agent signing 9/29/92.....seperate from the "Plan B" free agent signings which went up to 1992.

I remember his signing being a pretty big deal, and thought it came after some sort of ruling allowing for free agency...and that several other players were affected and signed around that time as well.

I'm wondering if anyone around here remebers the details of that signing??
i only remember that it was a big signing too, dunno about the $$$ but jackson really was great here, he came up big against the bills and that playoff game in heavy rain against the chargers, a shutout btw :)
I only remember bits and pieces.

I remember the signing was made public on Monday Night Football. I recall jumping through the rafters when Al Michaels said "at halftime we will be talking to All Pro tight end Kieth Jackson (cut to a shot of Kieth) who is now a member of the Miami Dolphins"....very exciting.

I only remember that a few players (Jackson included) challenged the NFL in court about their free agency rules and won.

This is an interesting topic and deserves a better informed recollection then mine. If anyone has any links to news articles on this topic it would be much memory gets foggier as I get

I'm gonna go Google this now....
I did a lot of searches yesterday, but couldn't come up with much....anyone else recall this signing?
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