The Best Coaches In The NFL | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The Best Coaches In The NFL


I am a golden god
Apr 27, 2005
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Miami, FL
Post who you think are the top 5 coaches in the League, also post for which team has the best overall coaching staff in the League. Once again I'm asking you guys to NOT PLAY FAVORITES and to stay on topic.

IMHO, the Dolphins have the best overall coaching staff.

The Top 5:

1) Bill Parcells(Thats right I think he is better than Bellichick)
2) Bill Bellichick
3) Bill Cowher
4) John Gruden
5) Jeff Fischer
1. Belichick - Patriots
2. Reid - Eagles
3. Parcells - Cowboys
4. Billick - Ravens
5. Cowher - Steelers
6. Saban :D

Btw, I don't think this is really a Dolphins related thread.
PatsSuck456 said:
Post who you think are the top 5 coaches in the League, also post for which team has the best overall coaching staff in the League. Once again I'm asking you guys to NOT PLAY FAVORITES and to stay on topic.

IMHO, the Dolphins have the best overall coaching staff.

The Top 5:

1) Bill Parcells(Thats right I think he is better than Bellichick)
2) Bill Bellichick
3) Bill Cowher
4) John Gruden
5) Jeff Fischer

you definatly need to put Andy Ried in there somewhere man... the eagles have dominated the NFC for too long for him not to be in the top 5...


Mooch 6th man
KuD said:
1. Belichick - Patriots
2. Reid - Eagles
3. Parcells - Cowboys
4. Billick - Ravens
5. Cowher - Steelers
6. Saban :D

Btw, I don't think this is really a Dolphins related thread.

Same as this one.
FinNasty23 said:
you definatly need to put Andy Ried in there somewhere man... the eagles have dominated the NFC for too long for him not to be in the top 5...

He would be in my top 10
PatsSuck456 said:
Post who you think are the top 5 coaches in the League, also post for which team has the best overall coaching staff in the League. Once again I'm asking you guys to NOT PLAY FAVORITES and to stay on topic.

IMHO, the Dolphins have the best overall coaching staff.

The Top 5:

1) Bill Parcells(Thats right I think he is better than Bellichick)
2) Bill Bellichick
3) Bill Cowher
4) John Gruden
5) Jeff Fischer

Many of the same people but different order for me.

1 Bellichick
2 Parcells
3 Cowher
4 Fischer
5 Shannahan (I still think he's great)
Honestly, Saban could be in there and I think maybe he should be. But he is unproven so far so I kept him out. Doesn't mean I'm not a Sabanamaniac. I do think we have the best overall staff, as long as defensive coordinator turns out. That's my only worry, but Saban himself will be hands on in defense I'm sure.
By the way, it's close for me between Cowher and Fischer. I just like Cowher better, personally. I guess I like the chin more than the mullet!
I know I'll take heat for Shanny, but, whatever. My list.
here goes mine

1. Bill Belichick [3 of the last 4 superbowls says it all...Could go down as the greatest coach of all time and is definitely worth being in the same sentence of Don Shula and Vince Lombardi]
2. Bill Parcells [The impact his first year 10-6 with no talent was nothing short of amazing...and he finally got the chance to build that team this year they could return to being americas favorite team very quickly]
3. Andy Reid [Doesnt get alot of credit for his acts of accomplishments for now 4 straight nfc title game appearences and now one superbowl appearence...hes like a 700% winning as a coach]
4. Bill Cowher [Been coaching for the same team for over a decade now and hes seen a 3 or 4 afc championship games and hes actually taken a team in 95]
5. Jon Gruden [I personally like the guy alot and he won the superbowl with a new team in 2002. Real Agressive coach whos also not afraid to bench his starters if they go over his head...[keyshawn johnson]
pwn3dyo said:

Mooch 6th man

Cowher can't be in the Top 5 with all of the AFC Championship game loses he has had. And almost all of them at home!
dolphan north said:
Many of the same people but different order for me.

1 Bellichick
2 Parcells
3 Cowher
4 Fischer
5 Shannahan (I still think he's great)
Honestly, Saban could be in there and I think maybe he should be. But he is unproven so far so I kept him out. Doesn't mean I'm not a Sabanamaniac. I do think we have the best overall staff, as long as defensive coordinator turns out. That's my only worry, but Saban himself will be hands on in defense I'm sure.
By the way, it's close for me between Cowher and Fischer. I just like Cowher better, personally. I guess I like the chin more than the mullet!
I know I'll take heat for Shanny, but, whatever. My list.

What's Shannahan's record in the playoffs without Elway! Nuff said! He's not Top 5.

1) Parcells
2) Belichick
3) Gruden
4) Vermile
5) Billick
How does Shannahan make anyone's list??

The guy hasn't won a thing without John Elway.

He s*cks...
MikeO said:
What's Shannahan's record in the playoffs without Elway! Nuff said! He's not Top 5.

1) Parcells
2) Belichick
3) Gruden
4) Vermile
5) Billick

Damn you MikeO you beat me to it. :wink:
I'm going to smack the lot of you who voted for saban. I drank the saban kool aid as much as te next guy but he has yet to coach a single game and your ranking him in the top 5, in the words of my mother "Oye ga valt"
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