The best Phin's site on the web | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The best Phin's site on the web


The Champ
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Sunny (Rainy) South Florida
I was one of the fans that came over from PhinZone a little while ago. I was very disapointed @ first with FinHeaven, and even went as far as to sent an e-mail to FinHeaven. I just want to say how mistaken I was. FinHeavne is far and away the best Phin's site out there.

Thank You FinHeaven. Keep up the great work!:bandwagon
Can I ask why you were dissapointed at first? I cant see how a dolphin fan could have a bad first impression here. Just wondering. said:
Can I ask why you were dissapointed at first? I cant see how a dolphin fan could have a bad first impression here. Just wondering.

I can see why he didn't like it at first. This place can be like a schizophrenic asylum with a newly constucted bipolar wing being built along being supervised by a few narcissitic mods thrown in for good measure. You have very vacillating view points and I think at certain times there is too much dominating of one view point. It is like if anyone doesn't say the Dolphins are great and are going to the SB, then many of the board regulars will come down on them and tell them to hit the pike and say things like "you aren't a real Dolphin fan". When things go bad, you have the polar opposite with everyone commitiing suicide. It is actually quite comical. As I have perused a lot of other message boards, this site is not unlike the others at all. Every team's fans do this. The horrifiic off-season has just magnified things that much more. I don't think you have any more homers than darksiders than say a Jets fans board or Pats fan board. I think as far as message boards go (in terms of pure volume), there is not a better site available.
Champ said:
I was one of the fans that came over from PhinZone a little while ago. I was very disapointed @ first with FinHeaven, and even went as far as to sent an e-mail to FinHeaven. I just want to say how mistaken I was. FinHeavne is far and away the best Phin's site out there.

Thank You FinHeaven. Keep up the great work!:bandwagon

You have got to be kidding right? From where you came, to here is no comparison......

As a matter of fact this place really can't be compared to any other. It's just not close.
jgarMD said:
I can see why he didn't like it at first. This place can be like a schizophrenic asylum with a newly constucted bipolar wing being built along being supervised by a few narcissitic mods thrown in for good measure. You have very vacillating view points and I think at certain times there is too much dominating of one view point. It is like if anyone doesn't say the Dolphins are great and are going to the SB, then many of the board regulars will come down on them and tell them to hit the pike and say things like "you aren't a real Dolphin fan". When things go bad, you have the polar opposite with everyone commitiing suicide. It is actually quite comical. As I have perused a lot of other message boards, this site is not unlike the others at all. Every team's fans do this. The horrifiic off-season has just magnified things that much more. I don't think you have any more homers than darksiders than say a Jets fans board or Pats fan board. I think as far as message boards go (in terms of pure volume), there is not a better site available.
There seems to be very vacillating viewpoints in this one post
..... :goof:
jgarMD said:
I can see why he didn't like it at first. This place can be like a schizophrenic asylum with a newly constucted bipolar wing being built along being supervised by a few narcissitic mods thrown in for good measure.
Ozzy said:
You have got to be kidding right? From where you came, to here is no comparison......

As a matter of fact this place really can't be compared to any other. It's just not close.
I believe I said "I was mistaken."......I can post it again if you want me to......

I also believe I said "This is the best out there."
jgarMD said:
I can see why he didn't like it at first. This place can be like a schizophrenic asylum with a newly constucted bipolar wing being built along being supervised by a few narcissitic mods thrown in for good measure. You have very vacillating view points and I think at certain times there is too much dominating of one view point. It is like if anyone doesn't say the Dolphins are great and are going to the SB, then many of the board regulars will come down on them and tell them to hit the pike and say things like "you aren't a real Dolphin fan". When things go bad, you have the polar opposite with everyone commitiing suicide. It is actually quite comical. As I have perused a lot of other message boards, this site is not unlike the others at all. Every team's fans do this. The horrifiic off-season has just magnified things that much more. I don't think you have any more homers than darksiders than say a Jets fans board or Pats fan board. I think as far as message boards go (in terms of pure volume), there is not a better site available.

This place is very well put together, and very well run. Having over 4,000 members, with sometimes over a thousand post's a day is no asy task for a moderator. And they jump on the homers just as much as the pessimists.
Champ said:
I believe I said "I was mistaken."......I can post it again if you want me to......

I also believe I said "This is the best out there."

Oh don't get too bent, I was only stating what I thought was obvious.

I believe I was saying that from where you came to here. I can't believe it. and then, like I said, from any other site, there is really no comparison.

This place gets news faster than it even happens......
That's why I love it now, it was a slow time for news when I came over, I thought it was FinHeaven not getting news, not a lack of news to post.
Champ I for one appreciate what you are saying. Change is not easy and people get loyal to their sites. Many of us are loyal to this one.

I peruse other sites too and feel this is the best fan site in the NFL. Ganggreen does a good job and so does the Chiefs site (name escapes me now). The Orangemane site is the WORST. The Mod there actually edits your post to make it say what he wants it to say. Unreal. And just try and be an outsider and come in. They are so hostile. Not only do the Mods alow it, they encourage it.The worst fans in the league are Donkey fans.

Here the Mods keep all of us on topic, playing fair, and provide great avenues of fun. That's why I became a Premium Member because this much quality should not be free. If all of you really like this site as you say you do, then donate. It isn't cheap running all of this. There are no banners are pop up ads to pay for things. It comes from us the members. So dig deep and donate what you can. They guys who keep this going are trying to get through college and they are not sitting around with a ton of money and are often working hard to make things better.

Its the right thing to do.
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