The case for NOT drafting NT @ #12 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The case for NOT drafting NT @ #12


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Oct 14, 2005
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There is no way, IMHO, that this regime spends a #12 pick on a position that effectively is on the field for only 2 downs.

Even if Dan Williams is there, the Fins wont pull the trigger on this guy. Suh will be gone anyway.

This regime will want a difference maker on every down, therefore, it will be either an OLB/DE hybrid player that can play run/pass, or it will be a #1 WR that can catch and block.

#12 pick is a high cost high risk pick, I just dont see this regime spending it on a part time player, especially with the success Parcells has had in later rounds with NT's at Dallas.
Agreed... Parcells will find us a NT in the later rounds.

We draft B Graham at #12.
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