the idea of a playoff system | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

the idea of a playoff system


I am Groot
Club Member
Jan 22, 2004
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I am a huge fan of the idea, let the title be settled out on the field not by coaches and the press. like this year USC killed Michigan and Boise State went undefeated, I think both of them should have a shot at OSU. plus I know Florida fans will disagree but I think the title game this year is a huge mismatch. I think we are looking at a blowout. I think Florida is only the #5 team in the nation behind Louisville, Boise State, Ohio State and USC but nevermind what I think about this year. if we had a game where Loiusville played Florida in a playoff game than we would know for a fact who was better.

I also here this stuff about why we don't have a playoff system and basically it's about money. but if we had the top 8 play in the tournament than we would have more games. there are 5 BCS games as it is, in a 8 team playoff system the first round is 4 games than the second is 2 games and than the final title game. thats 7 games with the tournament compared to the 5 we currently have. that should mean more money am I right?
I am a huge fan of the idea, let the title be settled out on the field not by coaches and the press. like this year USC killed Michigan and Boise State went undefeated, I think both of them should have a shot at OSU. plus I know Florida fans will disagree but I think the title game this year is a huge mismatch. I think we are looking at a blowout. I think Florida is only the #5 team in the nation behind Louisville, Boise State, Ohio State and USC but nevermind what I think about this year. if we had a game where Loiusville played Florida in a playoff game than we would know for a fact who was better.

I also here this stuff about why we don't have a playoff system and basically it's about money. but if we had the top 8 play in the tournament than we would have more games. there are 5 BCS games as it is, in a 8 team playoff system the first round is 4 games than the second is 2 games and than the final title game. thats 7 games with the tournament compared to the 5 we currently have. that should mean more money am I right?

Putting Florida at 5 is horrible and not putting LSU in the top 5 might even be worse. I agree we need a playoff, But College presidents and Athletic Directors are the ones that vote.
in that case, if there was a playoff system, USC would not make it because of losing to 2 unranked teams
no because USC is in the top 8 and those are the teams who would be in the playoffs
The BCS works.

Get each conf. a conference championship.
Expand PAC 10 and Big 10.

Stop crying, Boise supporters.
The BCS works.

Get each conf. a conference championship.
Expand PAC 10 and Big 10.

Stop crying, Boise supporters.

This isn't about Boise State, I could care less about them. I think LSU is better than Florida and in a playoff system would prove it. Aren't you tired of having co national champions and other what ifs? A playoff system would eliminate that
This isn't about Boise State, I could care less about them. I think LSU is better than Florida and in a playoff system would prove it. Aren't you tired of having co national champions and other what ifs? A playoff system would eliminate that

I was at the game in which Florida DOMINATED LSU.
There were no injuries...nothing much has changed.
LSU was beaten handedly and Florida could've scored more at the end but just ran isos and hb tackles.
I was at the game in which Florida DOMINATED LSU.
There were no injuries...nothing much has changed.
LSU was beaten handedly and Florida could've scored more at the end but just ran isos and hb tackles.

Your missing the point which is LSU is better right now than they were when you guys played just like tons of other teams are better now than they were than and just like in the NFL teams can play each other during the season and than again in the postseason with different outcomes
Your missing the point which is LSU is better right now than they were when you guys played just like tons of other teams are better now than they were than and just like in the NFL teams can play each other during the season and than again in the postseason with different outcomes

Great logic. So we should have a playoff because some teams play better in January than September. Makes perfect sense.
Great logic. So we should have a playoff because some teams play better in January than September. Makes perfect sense.
Thanks Motion, EXACTLY my thoughts.

The playoff benefits 2nd tier teams the more it's expanded. LSU was playing just fine early in the season...people now think Russel is a savior. I watched him play the last couple years...he makes poor decisions. Those decisions lead to some losses against good teams. The gators are still better than LSU and that should not even be a question.
I hear Illinois had some great offseason scrimmages among the players. Clearly they should play OSU again, right? They only lost by seven....
WRONG. You can't bring up past losses in this case, with any decent logic
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