The Interviews Yesterday Gave Insight To Player Mentalities | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The Interviews Yesterday Gave Insight To Player Mentalities

Da 'Fins

FinHeaven VIP
Club Member
Apr 29, 2003
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I think that Vonnie Holliday and Kevin Carter are both excited to be here. They like the fact that they will be used in multiple ways on the defense.

Jason Taylor seemed more cautious and is working to keep his emotions in check. He was "cool" about everything, but you could tell that it is a challenge for him to fully embrace Saban. He's still a bit skeptical. This is very typical, however, of the reaction in any organization when a "culture" change is trying to be implemented (which is what Saban is attempting to do). That change means not only a mentality change, but also a role in your position.

AJ Feeley seemed a bit uneasy. His psyche (understandably) was damaged from last year and the talk of competition seems to have created a bit of fear inside him. If he uses it correctly, it will benefit him. But, while he "talked" a good game, and did seem refreshed by the changes in offense, he is a bit worried and wasn't as positive or confident as Frerotte appeared.

This will be interesting to see as it unfolds. It would be REALLY interesting if we draft a QB!
I think JT seems pretty excited about the changes as well. I think his uncertainty only lies in how exactly he'll be used. But from the article in the Herald (or sentinel) he seems excited about the concept of having the defense revolve around his skills.
AJ didn't look comfortable at all talking to the reporters. :shakeno: Hopefully there nothing to it but he didn't seem confident at all. I think he was even shaking....maybe that was just because of the 7 beers I drank last night:D :D
nighttrain76 said:
AJ didn't look comfortable at all talking to the reporters. :shakeno: Hopefully there nothing to it but he didn't seem confident at all. I think he was even shaking....maybe that was just because of the 7 beers I drank last night:D :D

Someone had posted before that AJ lacked that stigma of confidence.(Which I agreed with) He gives that same impression in all of his interviews. That was just another example. He seems, for whatever reason, to lack confidence. Either that or he is just a shy type. Who knows. But you guys are right, he seemed very uncomfortable.
Feeley does have a hot chick, so he must have some confidence...haha.

I think he will be fine. I don't care how he acts in media, as long as he is a leader on the field and huddle.
Da 'Fins said:
AJ Feeley seemed a bit uneasy. His psyche (understandably) was damaged from last year and the talk of competition seems to have created a bit of fear inside him. If he uses it correctly, it will benefit him. But, while he "talked" a good game, and did seem refreshed by the changes in offense, he is a bit worried and wasn't as positive or confident as Frerotte appeared.

This is because Feeley know what a bogus fraud he is, and realizes that his days are numbered in Miami. Sorry to be blunt but that is what it is.
dolphingator said:
This is because Feeley know what a bogus fraud he is, and realizes that his days are numbered in Miami. Sorry to be blunt but that is what it is.

Haha! Where do you guys get this crap? Realizes the bogus fraud he is?? Bogus fraud? WTF? All the guy is trying to do is live out his dream of being an NFL QB.. So because he doesnt play as hot as youd like even though he is getting BLASTED on every snap means you have the right to call him a bogus fraud? How lame and cheap.
dolphingator said:
This is because Feeley know what a bogus fraud he is, and realizes that his days are numbered in Miami. Sorry to be blunt but that is what it is.

I agree that he doesnt have the skills to be the starter from this team, but I wouldnt call him a fraud.

He is what he is.. Spielman is the one to blame for assuming that he could be a starter here and overpaying for him.
SkapePhin said:
Haha! Where do you guys get this crap? Realizes the bogus fraud he is?? Bogus fraud? WTF? All the guy is trying to do is live out his dream of being an NFL QB.. So because he doesnt play as hot as youd like even though he is getting BLASTED on every snap means you have the right to call him a bogus fraud? How lame and cheap.

:clap: :bravo: :hi5:


Couldn't have said it better myself...good post Skape!
dolphingator said:
This is because Feeley know what a bogus fraud he is, and realizes that his days are numbered in Miami. Sorry to be blunt but that is what it is.
i think this whole thread is ******ed.... im sure JT is not worried or skepticle one bit for the simple fact saban has said a number of times that he wants to base his defense around it's leaders (JT and ZT)... where did you get the idea that JT is cautious or whatever?? he is a veteran leader and im sure he is ready to take on whatever role saban gives him.
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