The Miami Dolphins Should Also... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The Miami Dolphins Should Also...

Charlie Rivers

FH Member Since 2003!
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Jun 20, 2003
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...change our current fight song prior the 2013 season. Either that or remove the current hillbilly joke-of-a-song once and for all time...or until a new, updated tune is produced. Who is in agreement?
Can we get a hologram Dolfan Denny like they did with Tupac?
I think the song is incredibly cringe worthy but if season ticket holders like it :idk:
That song gets the crowd pumped up like none others, got to keep it.

I see what you're saying.

Maybe the FO should consider that option of changing the traditional fight song - same song, new rendition - modernizing on the beat - driving the current song into a truly powerful MODERN RENDITION that would energize the fan in the stands. Same lyrics with a more energetic rhythm.

A new rendition of the classic might make everyone happy. Just my angle.
change the logo, change the song, change the city, change the country....Just move the Fins to London and call them the sillyninnies, with a new song, colors, whatever..
Let's change the song, change the logo, change the uniforms, fix the stadium. Any other distractions for the front office to try? Anything for the front office to avoid their sustained inability to fix the team.
I see what you're saying.

Maybe the FO should consider that option of changing the traditional fight song - same song, new rendition - modernizing on the beat - driving the current song into a truly powerful MODERN RENDITION that would energize the fan in the stands. Same lyrics with a more energetic rhythm.

A new rendition of the classic might make everyone happy. Just my angle.
They did do a modern version a few years ago. It replaced the old song for a few games, but fans hated it and it was phased out. Then they went back to the original and started using the Jimmy Buffett Fins song.

---------- Post added at 06:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:29 PM ----------

Let's change the song, change the logo, change the uniforms, fix the stadium. Any other distractions for the front office to try? Anything for the front office to avoid their sustained inability to fix the team.

They can do both. Ireland and Philbin aren't the ones working on the new logo, uniforms and stadium renovations. Two separate departments within the Dolphins organization.
The song sucks...but at the end of the day if they win 11-12+ games, I'll dance to it like no one is watching.
...or...just play Crazy Train or Hells Bells after each touchdown/interception. :lol:
I see what you're saying.

Maybe the FO should consider that option of changing the traditional fight song - same song, new rendition - modernizing on the beat - driving the current song into a truly powerful MODERN RENDITION that would energize the fan in the stands. Same lyrics with a more energetic rhythm.

A new rendition of the classic might make everyone happy. Just my angle.

They did exactly that, and played a T-Pain version of the fight song throughout the game, and the fans booed it every time it played.
They did exactly that, and played a T-Pain version of the fight song throughout the game, and the fans booed it every time it played.

I remember that, but it still needs to be changed. I'm tired of the backwoods hillbilly version (no offense intended to any proud backwoods hillbilly fans on this site :lol: ) of a fight song we have. All my non-dolfan friends laugh at our fight song. They tell me, they're glad Miami doesn't score a lot of TDs so they don't have to hear it often :smad:'s embarassing.
I like that song, but I'm a backwoods hillbilly. I'm not 'offended' by the term, backwoods folks aren't allowed to be offended. But that's another story altogether.

The song is a tradition. Sure it has a little banjo in it, but believe it or not some people still like that. And some people like tradition. And we have to put up with that junk they call music now-a-days every where else we go and during all other situations. (i.e. superbowl halftime!)

Let us have our fight song.
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