The O-line is 80% the problem on offence...I say that because I think CPEP is only about 80% healthy, which leaves about 20% of the problem with him,and the OC play calling...Some here are saying he holds the ball too long....Christ, He's too busy running for his life. Theres more penatration in the O-line than there is with high-school girls on prom night... I all seriousness, in the last four games, I've only seen a couple of occasions where I thought he held the ball too long....But I cant make judgement on that, because I didn't see the rest of the field, or review the tapes..As I said before. Marino could be in there under centre...The results would be the same....Until the 0-line thightens up, it make no sense to make a QB change....Because the QB is not the problem.