The Pats Belichick preparing for retirement? | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The Pats Belichick preparing for retirement?

This idea has been going around a little bit. Seems like wishful thinking to me. But if Bellichick wants to retire, more power to him. That would be great for us. And let him take Scott pioli with him and have Bob Kraft sell the team to whoever owns the Bruins.

Hey now, play nice. The selling the Pats to the owner of the Bruins is really hitting below the belt. :lol:
Believing the bull**** he spouted huh?

"Its not my fault, its everyone elses":rolleyes2

All you needed was eyes. He was talked into coaching in a league with a team he didn't have a desire to be in. After years of mismanagement bad head coaches and bad personnel moves I'm not sure even god himself could have done any better a job than Saban and certainly the time he was there wasn't long enough to right that half sunken ship. I don't know why Miami fans so have it out for Saban he did what he could while he was there (the team was better off cap wise today) and seeing as he didn't want to really be there he got out...Or would you rather have had a head coach that didn't really want to be there coach your team? It could have been worse, he could have jilted the dolphins to work for another nfl team. I think the bull**** you are refering to was his denial of having interest in the Alabama HC job but when those rumors came out there were 3 or 4 games still left to play so what was he supposed to say? He denied the stories to keep his team together for the close of the season which I believe was the right thing to do. Had he admitted that the rumors were correct the team (which didn't have a lot to play for as it was) would have surely packed it in right then and there.
Not only Dolphins fans think it:

Also, never say never. Just like Saban's "I am not going to be the Alabama coach" speach.

Not saying he will retire, or he won't. Just enjoy the season, because you never know, this could be his last year.


CK, that link is just a link to another link from!! You know, the website that everyone here at good ol' Finheaven says are full of crap and has zero basis in fact? Now, I think they are sometimes on target, but again, it is just someone's thoughts, not based on any fact.

Now again, DolfanDaveInATX posted (yet another baseless rumor) that Kraft was upset at him. Still waiting on that link.....

CK, that link is just a link to another link from!! You know, the website that everyone here at good ol' Finheaven says are full of crap and has zero basis in fact? Now, I think they are sometimes on target, but again, it is just someone's thoughts, not based on any fact.

Now again, DolfanDaveInATX posted (yet another baseless rumor) that Kraft was upset at him. Still waiting on that link.....
My point was defending the thought that "Only Dolphins fans" think this about Belichick. I was just pointing out that it has been mentioned in the past by non-dolphin related sources. I never said it will happen, just that people are talking about it.
My point was defending the thought that "Only Dolphins fans" think this about Belichick. I was just pointing out that it has been mentioned in the past by non-dolphin related sources. I never said it will happen, just that people are talking about it.

All good, just pointing it out. Nice Av!
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