The “Playmaker Pistol”: What is this formation Miami’s been using? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The “Playmaker Pistol”: What is this formation Miami’s been using?

Holy **** this is good. We've been slowly evolving this type of offense since about the halfway point of last season. Before that, Chan built his schemes around Fitz - can't blame him for that- Flo is the ultimate "one game at a time" guy. Chan pivoted to some of these concepts in the 2nd half of last season, but not the pistol. Godsey ( and Studs/ Frye?) has evolved and added to it, albeit too slowly, maybe. It's a work in progress. I'm stuck in the middle between "let's keep progressing with Godsey as the main guy (if he doesn't bolt for G Tech) or keep the good D , and get a young innovator. ( McDaniel!)
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