The reason Wanny will NEVER be a winner | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The reason Wanny will NEVER be a winner


Active Roster
Mar 19, 2003
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West Palm Beach
He has little faith in his players.

How many times have you seen a coach make a controversial decision because he believes that his team can do it? Even if the team doesn't make has an effect on the players. They know that their coach thinks that they can get the job done..and that kind of thinking has a lasting effect on the team. It can provide a major boost to team morale in a hostile environment and it can sway momentum.

It's evident to me that after several season with the Dolphins Wannstedt still doesn't believe in his players. Sure he's a "players coach"..sure he's a nice guy, but how else can you explain why he chose to punt instead of go for it on 4th and 3 from the NE 37 yd line? How else can you explain why Wannstedt said that he still wasn't sure that the team had it wrapped up in Dallas even when leading 40-14? I know that crazy things can happen and that coaches are neurotic, but c'mon!..he should be confident that these guys aren't going to blow it. How else do you explain why every stinkin' time Miami has a 3rd and 12+ yds they run a (everybody say it with me) SCREEN OR A DRAW PLAY? Why don't the Dolphins ever even try to get a first down when it's 3rd and long. I know that the odds are against us, but damn shouldn't they try? Wannstedt has so little faith in his team that he'll never even try?..unless the game is out of reach..which rarely happens. He's so damn afraid that something bad will happen that he figures..just leave it up to the defense..AGAIN! He was even quoted in the NE game that "we tried the safest play we could think of". I know that the players blow it sometimes, but playing safe tells your players that we won't take a chance that you guys will blow it. Inspiring huh?

No wonder Fiedler doesn't inspire confidence in the fans..HIS OWN COACH DOESN'T HAVE CONFIDENCE IN HIM! Oh, he says that Jay's his man..he backs him up when speaking to the media...he says he's the #1 guy, but does he let him try a 15 yd pass on 3rd and 14?...No. Maybe Jay isn't good enough to make those plays, but how will we ever really know unless Wannstedt gives him the chance when a game is still in the balance?

Maybe it's the lingering effects of the Miracle at the Meadowlands vs. the Jets. Maybe Dave never got over that choke job by the players. What was it..30-7 in the 4th qtr? Maybe that's why Wannstedt doesn't trust his players. Maybe that's why he'll never make it to a SuperBowl as a head coach. Maybe that's why he'll be looking for work in 2004.
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The reason????.....

He's not a good head coach. That's about what I've come up with so far....:D

PHINZ RULE!!!!:fire:
He seems to have confidence in Jya at times. But when he does it explodes in his hace. An example would be last year in NE. We had to run out the clock and he has Jay throwing on all 3 downs. How did that turn out again? UGH. However I cant remember when he put the game in Ricky's hands. The guy Wanny brought in and traded 2 1st rounders for. He is a bad coach and we have scratched the surface as to why.
Thats true dreadlockera. What happened last year in NE is basically the reverse of not having faith in Jay. Do you remember what Wannstedt said after that game? Even after rushing for 185 yds, Wannstedt said "we didn't want to just run 3 times and punt". That shows no confidence in Ricky...which is retarded. One way or another, Dave doesn't believe in his players when it counts.
He must believe in Derrius Thompson, cause he did not bench him when he should have. He must believe in Wade Smith, cause most coaches would shoot him. He must believe in Griese and Fiedler, acuse he has not tried Sage. He must believe in Ruddy, hes as old as the game itself. He must believe in Olindo. Two 35 yarders that cost us the game. He is still a Dolphin.

He trusts his players. They just make some stupid mistakes every now and then. The NFL aint easy and the Fins have only been outclassed once this year.
Sticking with Thompson, W.Smith, Ruddy and Mare doesn't show that Wannstedt believes in them. He simply doesn't have any other options at those positions.

Come to think of it, Thompson was replaced several times this season in favor of McKnight. Ruddy was replaced several times by McKinney. They can't cut Mare because they'll take a cap hit...not to mention they'll have to find a FA to come in and perform (not easy). Who would Wannstedt replace Wade Smith with? Brad Bedell? Greg Jerman?..I think not. He trusts no one. And that's his downfall.
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Excellent point.
The NE game at home this year is a perfect example of what you are saying. He has no faith at in all in his players. Mare was set up to miss those two field goals. Not to make any excuses, but the dolphins had FIRST down in the infield and ran up the middle 6 times with no intention of getting any yardage or going for the td or even getting out of the infield. They did it in regulation and missed the FG, then were in the exact same position during OT and missed the FG... Horrible coaching and his lack of confidence in the team spread like wildfire.
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You're right..I forgot about that game. The more I think about how safe they play in critical situations, the more disgusted I get. I guess Wannstedt was convinced that his team wasn't capable of getting a TD. ARRGGH!!

I looked it up..Miami had a 1st and 10 at the NE 21 with under 4 mins left..and had a 1st and 10 at the NE 20 in OT and never tried for a TD. :(

I can't wait for a new coach!
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Originally posted by Gladsadmad
Thats true dreadlockera. What happened last year in NE is basically the reverse of not having faith in Jay. Do you remember what Wannstedt said after that game? Even after rushing for 185 yds, Wannstedt said "we didn't want to just run 3 times and punt". That shows no confidence in Ricky...which is retarded. One way or another, Dave doesn't believe in his players when it counts.

I remain positive that, the way Ricky was running in that game, if they had run him three straight times they would have gotten a first down.
I think it's better to think about the future (with a new coach) than to remember Wannstedt's blunders. If I keep thinking about each situation that his conservative coaching cost the Dolphins games, I'm going to get a frickin' migraine!
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