What I don't get about the article is that it seems like 95% or more was taken from things like wikipedia and it seems to mostly concentrate on marijuana. I'm guessing Ricky Williams is MUCH more than a past marijuana user/football player. Much more past the brief mention of holistic medicine as well.
*shrugs* was just stating my opinion...was farily well written but it just seemed like stuff that is old news. I guess I was just hoping for some more current info or maybe some more insight into he is(that hasn't been plastered all over some magazine article or whatever) because what makes him who he is, makes him Ricky Williams the football player and Errick Williams the man.
The thing that really bugs me is that this article syas multiple times "addiction" or some variation of the word. Marijuana is NOT physically addicting!
S.W.I.M. likes marijuana but chooses not to smoke it during football season. S.W.I.M. feels absolutely ZERO withdrawal symptoms, let alone an overpowering urge to smoke it. S.W.I.M.'s team is dead smack in the middle of two-a-days and don't have the slightest urge to smoke marijuana. It is a completely different side of my life and you better believe that S.W.I.M. will smoke pot after the season!
S.W.I.M.... out!
From the University of Wisconsion.
"But just because addiction doesn’t occur in all users, or even most users, it doesn’t mean that addiction doesn’t happen to any user.
Addiction to marijuana has the same features as addiction to other substances: after a period of regular controlled use, users gradually develop an inability to consistently use within the limits that they have set for themselves. Use won’t just result in “fun” or “getting high”; it will lead to problems with job performance, school performance, interpersonal relationships, or even health."
Obviously marijuana is not allowed in the NFL. It is also illegal in the United States.
That, in my mind, is a limitation. You want to be a pro ball player? Stop using marijuana. He did not. That would classify his usage as an addiction in my humble opinion.
It amazes me that marijuana still causes such a heated debate. Anyone who really wants to understand the issue will look at the pros and cons of marijuana use. There are lots of "legal" prescribed medications for mental or physical health that have terrible side effects with the worst being suicide. Ricky has been reported to suffer from a personality disorder and I can understand how marijuana might help with that. When used in cooking or thru vapor marijuana at worst makes you hungry? Alcohol is much more destructive than marijuana will ever be. To the anti-marijuana peeps out there more people than you care to know are casual users and function daily in their jobs without you ever suspecting. Sometimes stupid is just stupid...lol.
Many people are in denial about this, but it is absolutely true. I work at a University and have known MORE THAN ONE PhD that uses it regularly.