The season is still not over | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The season is still not over


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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I know losing 2 huge game in a row as well as sucking for 6 straight quarters make you wish we were 2-12 and getting a great draft pick like the Bills, but we can likely end up with the #4 seed if we win out at home the last games ag. the Falcons and Bills. Parts of me wants us to end up playing the Jets in the playoffs so that we can get a chance to end the hex and start next year on a winning streak ag. the Jets. :rolleyes:

Either way this year is only over once we play on the road in the playoffs most likely. With the latest round of injuries we are looking at humiliation in the 2nd round for sure. :cry:

This team is so like the team in Any Given Sunday how they were so happy after that 1st round win and lost in the 2nd round. Then the coach and QB left... Wanne is probably staying if it is up to him and Jay is staying if the Fins want him.
you are correct

when you say it's not over. The season is indeed NOT over. We have a long way to go in a relatively short time, however, we are not through. I would love to play the Jets in the playoffs. We'll see what happens....should be interesting!
The entire season is not over, just the regular season will be because we are going to the playoffs. :D WOO~HOO!! :D

It isn't over until the last game is lost. So, LET'S GO KICK SOME A$$!! :D
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