The Top 10 most "important/memorable/bizarre" games in the PHINS/JETS rivalry. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The Top 10 most "important/memorable/bizarre" games in the PHINS/JETS rivalry.


FinHeaven VIP
Nov 19, 2006
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Scranton, Pennsylvania
Okay...I'm gonna try to start a civilized discussion for PHINS and JEST fans. As much as I can't stand the "JEST" or the majority of their fans, if there is one thing....ONE THING....I can appreciate, along with all PHIN and JEST fans which I hope we can agree is our rivalry.

For the past 40+ years, we have had a rivalry for the ages, with so many memorable and bizarre games. So how about we go down memory lane, and post what we (PHINS & JETS fans) think are the TOP-TIER games in our rivalries history, and believe me...there are a TON of them. I say...lets pick out top 10. I'll start....Here are my top 10:

10. 2009 Regular Season on Monday Night ... Sanchez & Rex Ryan vs. Henne and "The Wildcat" ... neither team had a sack or turnover, 5 lead changes in the 4th Quarter....the game literally could of gone either way

9. 2009 Regular Season ... the "Ted Ginn" Game

8. 1998 Regular Season on Sunday night ... 9-4 Miami vs. 9-4 Jets ... Chad Cascadden causes Marino to fumble, and returns it for a TD, to clinch the Jets first division title since the merger.

7. 1988 Regular Season ... Rookie Jets CB Eric McMillian spoils Marino's 500 yard passing performance by picking him off 3 times.

6. 1991 Regular Season finale ... Raul Allegre kicks two FGs (one in OT) to send the Jets into the playoffs

5. 1986 Regular Season ... The Classic "Ken O'Brien vs. Dan Marino" 51-45 in OT shootout

4. 2000 Regular Season ... The Jets "Monday Night Miracle at the Meadowlands"

3. 1982 Season / 83 AFC TItle Game ... The A.J. Duhe "Mud Bowl"

2. 2008 Regular Season finale ... Chad Pennington's "Revenge Game", capping off the greatest single season turnaround for Miami

1. 1994 Regular Season ... Dan Marino's infamous "FAKE SPIKE"

What say you?
You pretty much covered them, as most of the games weren't nearly at the level of the 10 you listed, but two others stand out for me: the 1986 Monday Night Game where Lorenzo Hampton ran for over 100 yards and the 2002 game in Miami when they Dolphins beat the Jets for the first time in four years.

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I think you have a good list. There have been so many good games that anybody can argue replacing a game or two.

I think number one for me would be the Monday Night Miracle with the Fake Spike coming in at number 2 and then the A.J Duhe game at 3. I wouldnt even really put Chad's return in the top 5.

I would put the monday night miracle at number 1 because i'm a Jets fan obviously so there is probably a little favoritism but I also just feel that it is one of the most memorable games of all time (as is the fake spike).

I also think the Jets win against the Dolphins on Christmas Night in 2006 should be in there as well. That was just as big a win for us as the game you won with Chad at the Meadowlands in 2008 was for you. You won the division with that game and we put ourselves in a win and your in posistion the next week at home against the lowly raiders with that win. I mean a division championship is bigger but making the playoffs is making the playoffs.
And, who can forget the classic December 2023 game in NY that marked 31 straight victories vs. the Jets. :up:
I can remember games back to 1981, my top 10 list of great/memorable games would be:

1981 16-15 NYJ at Shea

1982 Title Game: 14-0 Miami

1986 shootout, 51-45 Jets in OT

1991 week 17 "playoff" game, jets win 23-20 in OT to avdance to postseason over Miami

1994 Fake Spike, 28-24 Miami win

1998 at Miami for 1st place in dec, 21-16 Jets win

2000 Monday Night Miracle, 40-37 Jets win in OT

2001 at NY, not quite 30-7 comeback but we came back from 17 pt deficit to win.

2008 Chad's revenge game

2009 Monday Night game, wildcat gashes our D in 31-27 Miami win
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