The truth....or is it? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The truth....or is it?


Long Time Veteran
Mar 5, 2005
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Toledo, Ohio
7. New York Jets at Miami Dolphins
Nick Saban is known for being able to design pressure packages on defense, but the folks at Alabama might have come up with a more relentless scheme. They won't take no for an answer. They want to talk to Saban as soon as the regular season is over. Saban has been professional and keeps saying he isn't interesting in the Alabama job, but the Crimson Tide still doesn't have a coach and the rumors persist. Last week's shutout loss to the Bills all but killed any hopes of the Dolphins' making the playoffs so the team is playing for pride and with a certain amount of fear. The fear factor involves Saban, who runs a tough practice and isn't afraid to show his displeasure. Losing to the Bills hurt. Losing to the Jets would hurt even more. If the Jets beat the Dolphins, there becomes an increasingly good chance the Jets could win out and go the playoffs That would mean Eric Mangini and Dick Jauron took over teams in Saban's division after him and produced better teams. Saban won't stand for that.

This hurts...that second to last sentence. Mangini and Jauron, took over teams AFTER Saban...and produced better teams. WOW.
We are all worn-out on this Alabama thing Fins05:NewHope. If Saban goes, he goes. We'll still be here biting each others head's off, debating what's best for our squad, bleeding aqua and orange. We run the Miami Dolphins. We are the electrcity that keeps the lights sparked at Joe Robbie. Every prayer, every chant, every hope and dream on waring Sunday afternoons- we bring this team to life. No matter who is at the helm, we will always be the heart.
The difference Saban and the other coaches in the division is that they all have good QBSs, we do not. Also, their teams were not previously put together by Wanny and Spielman.
This is the 1st time that is has ever been stated that JP Losman is a good QB.
Lets not make excuses. Saban has been making bad decisions ever since he took over the fish.
7. New York Jets at Miami Dolphins
Nick Saban is known for being able to design pressure packages on defense, but the folks at Alabama might have come up with a more relentless scheme. They won't take no for an answer. They want to talk to Saban as soon as the regular season is over. Saban has been professional and keeps saying he isn't interesting in the Alabama job, but the Crimson Tide still doesn't have a coach and the rumors persist. Last week's shutout loss to the Bills all but killed any hopes of the Dolphins' making the playoffs so the team is playing for pride and with a certain amount of fear. The fear factor involves Saban, who runs a tough practice and isn't afraid to show his displeasure. Losing to the Bills hurt. Losing to the Jets would hurt even more. If the Jets beat the Dolphins, there becomes an increasingly good chance the Jets could win out and go the playoffs That would mean Eric Mangini and Dick Jauron took over teams in Saban's division after him and produced better teams. Saban won't stand for that.

This hurts...that second to last sentence. Mangini and Jauron, took over teams AFTER Saban...and produced better teams. WOW.

No excuses from me the article could not of said it better..truth hurts :boohoo:
7. New York Jets at Miami Dolphins
Nick Saban is known for being able to design pressure packages on defense, but the folks at Alabama might have come up with a more relentless scheme. They won't take no for an answer. They want to talk to Saban as soon as the regular season is over. Saban has been professional and keeps saying he isn't interesting in the Alabama job, but the Crimson Tide still doesn't have a coach and the rumors persist. Last week's shutout loss to the Bills all but killed any hopes of the Dolphins' making the playoffs so the team is playing for pride and with a certain amount of fear. The fear factor involves Saban, who runs a tough practice and isn't afraid to show his displeasure. Losing to the Bills hurt. Losing to the Jets would hurt even more. If the Jets beat the Dolphins, there becomes an increasingly good chance the Jets could win out and go the playoffs That would mean Eric Mangini and Dick Jauron took over teams in Saban's division after him and produced better teams. Saban won't stand for that.

This hurts...that second to last sentence. Mangini and Jauron, took over teams AFTER Saban...and produced better teams. WOW.

Saban went 9-7 in his first year, people tend to forget that. Jauron can't do any better than that, plus, he also happens to be Dick Jauron, once he starts getting his brand of players in Buffalo, they will be back to their losing ways, Dick is a terrible coach and talent evaluator. I don't care if Marv is there or not, the Bills will go no where with Jauron.

As for Mangini. He will probably be a good coach. I think it is too early to judge him either way. Luckily for ihm, Pennington is on his A game. Had he been awful like the past few seasons (or injured), they would be worse off than us.

The only thing holding Miami back is QB play. Daunte should fix that next year.
This is the 1st time that is has ever been stated that JP Losman is a good QB.
Lets not make excuses. Saban has been making bad decisions ever since he took over the fish.

Bad decisions? Like? Pep/Brees? As far as we know right now Pep can come back next year and play like and MVP and Brees could re-injure his shoulder and be done.

Without considering that...what bad decisions are you referring too?

I can't wait till Monday night:evil:
I cannot think of a single decision Saban has made that people were like "hmmm, that's a bad decision". Only after the fact people have something to say about it. Everyone thinks they're so freaking smart...
This is the 1st time that is has ever been stated that JP Losman is a good QB.
Lets not make excuses. Saban has been making bad decisions ever since he took over the fish.
That one bad decision was picking C-Pep over Brees but C-Pep comes back next year and has a Pro Bowl season and leads the Fins to the playoffs then that would have been a good decision. But other then that what other bad decisons has he made.
Jauron will do the same to the Bills that Wanny did with the Fins and Mangini's success this year was because the Jets had one of the easiest schedules in the league.
We are all worn-out on this Alabama thing Fins05:NewHope. If Saban goes, he goes. We'll still be here biting each others head's off, debating what's best for our squad, bleeding aqua and orange. We run the Miami Dolphins. We are the electrcity that keeps the lights sparked at Joe Robbie. Every prayer, every chant, every hope and dream on waring Sunday afternoons- we bring this team to life. No matter who is at the helm, we will always be the heart.

Saban's Bad Decisions:

-Starting Culpepper this year when anyone who watched him during the preseason knew he wasnt ready/healthy enough to play.
-Sitting your best safety-Bell for half the year. This guy made big plays all of last year and then Saban puts him on the bench in 06.
-wasting a draft pick on M. Wright
-wasting a 2nd rounder on culpepper when brees was there and didnt cost a pick
-hiring Mularkey and then making him run someone else's offense
-keeping Ricky around when he should have dumped him and found a #2 rb
-taking ronnie brown #2 overall. While Brown is good, he is not worth the salary or the 2nd pick in the draft.
-making numerous bad gameday coaching decisions this year that reminds us Jetfans of Herman Edwards
-acting like an *** and like he is better than anyone in the media he comes across when the reality is he is nothing but a sub 500 coach

that is all I can think of right now.
Guys, the 2nd season under a new coach is usually worse than the first one. I think I remember someone mentioning this before the season started. Saban's footprint won't be seen before the third season. And it will happen to the Jets and Bills as well - luckily for us, both next year. Which means we only have to beat the Patriots to win the division. Relax - and pray that Saban stays.
Merry christmas.
The difference Saban and the other coaches in the division is that they all have good QBSs, we do not. Also, their teams were not previously put together by Wanny and Spielman.

Give me a break. The Jets don't have as much talent across the board as the Phins. Their defense isn't half of what ours is.
There is a reason that Mangini and Jauron are 1st yr coaches and that's because their predecessors weren't doing such a hot job. I'm sick of this Wanny and Spielman blame game. There are only a handful of players left over from that regime and 2 of them are ZT and JT (yes, I know they were drafted by JJ, but they are part of the team Saban inherited).
If Saban is ready to bail out after this season then he was never the right guy for the job. He would lack the drive and perseverence to succeed at the highest level.
Saban's Bad Decisions:

-Starting Culpepper this year when anyone who watched him during the preseason knew he wasnt ready/healthy enough to play.
-Sitting your best safety-Bell for half the year. This guy made big plays all of last year and then Saban puts him on the bench in 06.
-wasting a draft pick on M. Wright
-wasting a 2nd rounder on culpepper when brees was there and didnt cost a pick
-hiring Mularkey and then making him run someone else's offense
-keeping Ricky around when he should have dumped him and found a #2 rb
-taking ronnie brown #2 overall. While Brown is good, he is not worth the salary or the 2nd pick in the draft.
-making numerous bad gameday coaching decisions this year that reminds us Jetfans of Herman Edwards
-acting like an *** and like he is better than anyone in the media he comes across when the reality is he is nothing but a sub 500 coach

that is all I can think of right now.
-What Saban and the medical staff saw during the pre-season and Training Camp and what Culpepper was saying they all thought he was ready and could start the season.
-Sitting Bell was not the best decision but Tillman did not have a bad season last year and was very inconsitent which made Saban take a little bit longer in making his decison.
-The draft pick on Manny Wright can be a very good pick if he canget his head straight because he all the talent you would to be a defensive lineman.
-You have a choice between 2 quarterbacks one destroyed his throwing shoulder and the other one destroyed his knee you are obvisously going to pick the one with the injurd knee.
-If you watched the Fins games this year it is obvious that they are not running Linehan's offense and that they are running Mularkey's offense.
-Why dump Ricky when he is one of the best backs in the league when he is playing.
-Miami needed a running back and Saban took the biggest workhorse in the draft and the only other player that deserved that pick was Merriman and if it weren't for him getting hurt this tear he would be over the 1,000 yard mark already.
-What bad gameday decisons?
-If you look at his coaching career he has never had a losing season and will be a great coach for the Fins as the years go on and because he doesn't like the media doesn't mean he doesn't think he is better then them.
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