"This is one of the better O-lines I've played against in my career | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"This is one of the better O-lines I've played against in my career


Reach for the Stars
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May 23, 2002
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Why didn't anyone point this out before, I thought it was a profound statement...especially coming from a guy who had to be on the Jag's team 2 years ago when they were running over everyone... I know he practiced against them.. If he's correct, I'm starting to feel some confidence in our OL..

"This is one of the better O-lines I've played against in my career so I feel like it's getting me ready for the season," said McDaniel, who at 6-foot-7 and 305 pounds can actually stare left tackle Jake Long in the eye. I'm glad I'm here and I'm glad I'm going against the O-line I'm going against because I feel like it's not just me practicing hard but the O-line has definitely gotten me better. And it's definitely great playing next to Ferg. It's like having another coach because he's always telling me what to do, telling me I should do this or do that so I love having him as a vet."

Camp Dolphins Day 6: D-Line Gearing Up To Stop The Run; Other Notes
Why didn't anyone point this out before, I thought it was a profound statement...especially coming from a guy who had to be on the Jag's team 2 years ago when they were running over everyone... I know he practiced against them.. If he's correct, I'm starting to feel some confidence in our OL..

Camp Dolphins Day 6: D-Line Gearing Up To Stop The Run; Other Notes

Sounds good but players sometimes like to say good things about thier team. I hope he is right.
Sounds good but players sometimes like to say good things about thier team. I hope he is right.

the defense rarely ever compliments the offense, and the other way around unless it was warranted.
Player speak.., do you expect him to say they suck...

Not at all, if that was the case, I would expect them to say NOTHING at all instead of lie. The interview wasn't about the o-line, that was info he volunteered to share. So I think he is being honest with that comment.
Not at all, if that was the case, I would expect them to say NOTHING at all instead of lie. The interview wasn't about the o-line, that was info he volunteered to share. So I think he is being honest with that comment.

He could have said they were great at the POA but he went many steps further and said they were some of the best he has played against... Some guys are naturally loqacious..., but I accept your point...
If everyone stays healthy (a huge "if"), the line of Long, Smiley, Grove, Thomas and Carey has the potential to be dominant and contribute as many as 2-3 pro bowlers!
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