This should make everyone angry... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

This should make everyone angry...


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Sep 30, 2002
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South Florida
I was listening to ESPN Radio this morning and the host Colin Cowherd had on Kevin O'Donnel from WTVT in Tampa to update the Griese injury. This O'Donnel guy had the marbles to say "They should have thrown a flag on the play and called a penalty. It is obvious in the replay that Zach Thomas intentionally rolled into his knee".

Can you believe that!?!?! WTF!?!?

Here is the e-mail they list in his bio:

I will be sending him some feedback. I strongly encourage everyone else too.

Zach has always been a good clean player and person. What a bunch of crap to make that kind of accusation on national radio.

Let him hear about it Fin fans!!!!

ARRRGGGHH!!!! :fire: :fire: :yell: :yell:
I don't know if Zach did it intentially, however I was very surprised that a penalty was not called.
Even Jon Gruden himself said there was nothing Zach Thomas could have done differently and that he made a tremendous play. Zach was not intentionally trying injury Griese and take him out for the season... It is a bunch of crap, can't wait to see his reaction to your feedback. :cool:
Sirius NFL Radio commented that not only was it a clean play, but Gruden himself said that Thomas was not at fault and it was just something that happened, not a bad hit or illegal play.
fin-atic said:
I was listening to ESPN Radio this morning and the host Colin Cowherd had on Kevin O'Donnel from WTVT in Tampa to update the Griese injury. This O'Donnel guy had the marbles to say "They should have thrown a flag on the play and called a penalty. It is obvious in the replay that Zach Thomas intentionally rolled into his knee".

Can you believe that!?!?! WTF!?!?

Here is the e-mail they list in his bio:

I will be sending him some feedback. I strongly encourage everyone else too.

Zach has always been a good clean player and person. What a bunch of crap to make that kind of accusation on national radio.

Let him hear about it Fin fans!!!!

ARRRGGGHH!!!! :fire: :fire: :yell: :yell:

To that I say "oh well" ..........he's entitled to his opinion. No need to get bent out of shape.
I think Pittman choped Zach at the knees and Zachs momentum carried him into the backfiled into Grieses knee. Zach even held his arms away from his body risking injury to himself to show there was no intent on his part to injure Brian. What else could he have done?? It amazing how some people can't just be happy their team is 5-1 they have to have everything, injurys happen. Zach has NEVER been a cheap shot artist and to make Zach look like a punk is sad.
I just sent him this letter....

I am sending this E-mail in regards to your comments on Zach Thomas. To refresh your memory you stated that the referees in the Bucs-Fin game should have thrown a flag because you believe Zach Thomas injured Brian Griese on purpose. I would like to request of you to take your head out of your rectum and please watch the game footage again of that play. Zach was tripped up by a running back and accidentally rolled into Griese. If you knew anything about the dolphins you would know that Zach is an intense competitor, so intense to the point that he looks down upon those who act selfishly or injure other players on purpose. Please remind me the last time you saw Zach take a swing at some one, or request to eat his opponents children. Zach spends his time doing charity work, and being one of the most respected dolphin players with his ebullient demeanor and his on the field heroics. To add injury to insult Zach and Griese played on the same team before and were brothers in arms. When Griese left there was no malice as the dolphins were the one’s that released him. Next time you try to hike your ratings pick a player that has a history of violence or at least an arrest record. I am comforted by the fact that I know that everything that comes out of your mouth is a downright lie, and that you do not wish to teach your audience, rather you attempt to inflame them with inaccuracies. I could be as ignorant as you and call you an idiot, even though I know little about you, but I see myself well above your bottom feeder level. Good day.
I don't even know who Kevin O'Donnell is, so why have my emotions get affected by a stranger whose saying Zach Thomas (whom I never met before and will never) did in a football game I didn't go to?
fin-atic said:
I was listening to ESPN Radio this morning and the host Colin Cowherd had on Kevin O'Donnel from WTVT in Tampa to update the Griese injury. This O'Donnel guy had the marbles to say "They should have thrown a flag on the play and called a penalty. It is obvious in the replay that Zach Thomas intentionally rolled into his knee".

Can you believe that!?!?! WTF!?!?

Here is the e-mail they list in his bio:

I will be sending him some feedback. I strongly encourage everyone else too.

Zach has always been a good clean player and person. What a bunch of crap to make that kind of accusation on national radio.

Let him hear about it Fin fans!!!!

ARRRGGGHH!!!! :fire: :fire: :yell: :yell:

I was listening, the guy had no clue. He got blocked and tried to roll and make a tackle, Griese steped up to pass while he was rolling.
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