QUOTE from http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/11875976.htm?template=contentModules/printstory.jsp
Jason Cole article. From June, I know.
Saban said he wants Brown to step away from the idea of merely fitting in and try to have a star's attitude.
``He's physically tough and all that stuff. I'm talking about the disposition of maybe being assertive, might be a better way to say it. Rookies sometimes feel their way and I think this is going to happen in time when this guy gains his confidence and people on our team gain confidence in him.''
Jason Cole article. From June, I know.
Saban said he wants Brown to step away from the idea of merely fitting in and try to have a star's attitude.
``He's physically tough and all that stuff. I'm talking about the disposition of maybe being assertive, might be a better way to say it. Rookies sometimes feel their way and I think this is going to happen in time when this guy gains his confidence and people on our team gain confidence in him.''