Yeah...I have to admit I was kind of a jerk there, and didn't see he was a newbie.
He did definately ask a fair question, and deserves an explanation.
The reason people are snapping so easily is that this discussion has been going on for months. You being new, had no idea and we should have seen that before we unleased the ridicule. It's is kind of a sore subject on here.
I would say the sentimate overall is that bringing in diva WR's is not the type of FO Parcells' and Co are going to run. Main reason we think this is due to Parcells' utter hatred for TO or has he called him "that player." I believe bringing in the locker room distractions of Mr Cinco or Burress is not the type of publicity that our team or fans want. I think most of us feel the chemistry would be messed up. Although both are great talents its hard to say if the trade off would be worth it or not. I could see it if we where "one WR from the superbowl", however I (and others) do not even think WR is our biggest need.
The Boldin senerio has been going on for months also. The sentiment there is that he is a great player and would be an amazing addition. However, the price to get him would probably be too high (think Roy Williams trade to Dallas but more expensive in both picks and salary.) There are some who would make this sacrifice and some who would not. I doubt our FO does it.
Again really sorry for jumping down your throat prematurly, and welcome to the boards. It's definately not always like this, and you'll get great Fins info (a lot of great posters, and you will quickly learn thier names) here so I hope this didn't scare you away. The community is great on here, it is just that you kind of poked a sore spot. Again we should have all been more accepting to a newbie, and I for one apologize